Monday, December 13, 2010

Shock moments

My Brain cells are dying.... I only manage to complete half of my mock test, and is from 2pm to 730pm... It was plan til 4pm, look like i need to go back tomorrow to finish it... Because my test is Wednesday afternoon.... I was tired, hungry, and stoning.... So i decided to fb ppl for coffee, but nobody reply.... Guess i am not that attractive.

Then, it strike my mind that my ex-medic was doing his test at suntec... maybe, so i just sms him... haha.... yeah... so i met him up for dinner.... From 313, we decided to walk down, since i am stoning, and need some branded bag smell to make me wake up..... hahah...... but i didn't have chance to also. It was nice to catch up with friends.

Of course, now is the Christmas season, when the orchard road is decorated... Where got mood to see.. stoning liao.......I wonder how did i manage to study degree ( in orchard ) and work as a paramedic last time.
Yesterday, went for my tango's practical... Some of my classmates were there also. Before the class, there were other people dancing, they were in their 30s or even 50s.... One even wore short shorts, then u can see her butt's cheek from far.... ( Yes guy, stop drooling, just come to tango class ) Their dance was so beautiful, turning and doing the leg hook ( dun know what is call yet )

As for me, is going to be basic like posture ( stomach in, chest out with happy butt ), walking with weight shift, from the force from the ground like push forward even when u walking backwards. And the embrace- hugging the guy. Of course, i am still being step on, cause i still can't feel exactly the impulse. But, when u close ur eyes, think of the connection ( dun think the guy ugly or short ) feel the music, and dance, you can move around and wont get step. And i was being taught some simple turning, so interesting.

Next, is the milogna. The social dance, but i am so new. So our class agree to go for next fri's milogna. Argh... and i will miss this thursday's class.

On my way back home for maxwell, there was rta at ecp near marine vista exit. i thought is quite ok, so i just went ahead, i didnt know it was so fresh, i saw LTA, A115 ( so far ), EMAS, and TP in that order..... I miss going for call, or inside the alpha..... Can i just go for one call ? hahah....

I miss Changi, i miss my medics, and listening to music in station.

Last Saturday, after i remove my "gorgeous" make up, bath and lie on the bed. My ex-colleague then fb msg me to go out ! Argh..The last time i talk to him , was at one corner near to ccfp, and he was heart broken. Now, he is getting married. We went to pump room at 2am, the band was great, but my make up was bad......(below, is when i reach home after the wedding, they say look sluty, really?)

Of course, Jody would find out things that she wants to know, or people are just willing enough to share information with her. When i heard something, i was like shocked inside my heart ! ( Of course, you won't see my shocked face, unless i fake it )

I knew things that i didn't know before and during , and i was disappointed, not by a, but by someone else. I didn't mind ( or maybe i did ) the fact that I knew nothing about him. I thought we started the trend, but he started with c, long time ago before he knew me. No wonder, i always feel c hated me so much, i seldom talk to her, and she always give me the "dia" ( stare) look, but to my medics, she can talk and flirt..... Now, i totally understand.....

I feel like a replacement product, it seem that they are interested in her,

then come to me. So, i am a counterfeits grade A is it ? Hate the feeling !

Remember, when you were young, there was no Tampines Mall or Ben & Jerry. Your parents buy you ice-cream from the uncle using the ice-cream bells and the big huge metal box. I ate it, not because it was nice but it give me the feeling of being a child.sSomeone that love you, i can't remember when is the last time, a guy feed u ice-cream... So romantic, so honeymood period.... Probably, they prefer to feed u with their warm "ice-cream" now " *roll eyes*

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