Sunday, December 19, 2010

Round about !

Have you experience the following, when you try to find your stuffs, you always can't find it ! Then one day, when you are not looking for it, it will pop out from somewhere..... and then, "there you are!"

Yes, I am not working hard for the past 2-3 months. it was more about sleeping, socialise, trying to see what i would want to do, and is best for me... After trying to find some job, with no much result...... I went on to take some financial paper, just in case.. After passing the 2 papers, and thinking of the path. This morning, i received a phone call from June, to ask me if i am going back, how have i been doing.. She give me a choice to remain at charity or to new product at singtel residential....... i know she saw alot of potential in me, which i think i have, but have not develop them into something useful to my own advantage in work only in personal life... She knew i got no problem in building team or leadership... and i guess my one and only disadvantages was "laziness", the one that kill me big time.........Argh... I really learn alot of thing from her and the company.... but the timing, the timing sucks ! i cant mix with my friends, only office people. Then she ask me if i want to find a new place for her for new office.

And then, i also receive few referrals for property, rental and selling.... Praise God, that why i was never worried....... I just put my trust in Him... Cause only he knew what is best for me... ( ya, i know i dun look religious, but is my belief ) The best thing that happen the last few months or weeks.. I find something that i really enjoy, dancing tango, naggy as it is, but yes, if i could, i wish it became my hobby.....

After driving almost 300km back from melecca, i change and bath, then went for the milogna at 0045hrs. Yes, lesser people, and i got 2 dance.... and i was so scare, cause i miss my thursday class ( away to melacca) and i didnt warm up. But lucky, isaac and jerry were there to guide me, and they constantly ask me to relax... Thank You... Although, i didn't know the step or what, but when u do the close embrace, close your eyes, feel the chest and chest connecttion, somehow or rather, you will move to somewhere... Is like, ok , woh, i move so far away....... and i how did i manage to dance....... The amazing things about tango, beautiful connection about 2 people.

I really wonder if what isaac say is true, if i will be one of the hot girl in BA, where they prefer girls with curve and big boobs, like real woman and not skinny girls ( singapore guys love them ).. I wish one day, i could go to BA, to dance like for weeks or months.... I wanted to go for a long time, but never have the courage....

After the milogna, i went on to meet the ex-22 people for a's bachelor party..... yes, i am the only girl, but i dun think they treated me as one..... and the bet, to see who will go down first... Of course, not me.. When i reach there, i just pick up fehrin's flute, to finish all the champagne in one shot and the rest infront of me.... When i arrive, the champagne is half, shortly after i arrive, it was gone within minute.. I wonder why..... And then of course, what is party without alcohol, so we order the 1.5litres..... Maybe really, the way i drink was scary, of course, my job is to accomplish task... make sure "a" drink..... of course, how to reject woman.....So maybe it really fast, one glass by one glass..... no chance given.... He was gone, and i didnt know they went back home...

I was so tired, i remember i sat outside with my head on the table and sudden urge to puke , (a bit only, really a bit ) argh..... then i went back to sleep.... i didn't even know why i had miss calls from fehrin, according to him, i was mia ( really ).... then i went back to my car and slept til i was ok to go back home...... It was already bright and sunny... Argh....... It was really fun, i wonder who is the next one, just got to make sure i was not tired or have eaten, so i won't puke.... is always like that, but no matter what, i will take care of myself........

I saw someone dancing like dirty dancing inside movida, i wonder is it salsa or what, definately not tango... they were almost humping each other and all..... it was not sexy, it was sexual.... hate it.....

I got 2 weeks to think what i want to do, to do clearance or what.... Hope i can get a good answer, and cheers to referrals...... Things were not smooth, but i hope it got better from now on... We need to experience the bad, before what is good..... off to my tango soon, but my left leg felt a bit sprain.... argh.... but i will still go... i just don't want to miss my tango class......

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