Thursday, December 16, 2010

December 2010, enrichment month

After my "hardwork", i finally cleared my 2 papers.... They say everybody have different way of studying, some at aiport, noisy mcdonalds, schools, void deck.......For me, I just find hard to believe the way i study. I watched TV programme, study 2 chapters, and sleep one hour then 2 chaps and sleep...Especially the day before the test, I must sleep..... I club and i dance and i can pass. According to the SQ theory, for example, if person "a " want to apply for cabin crew, then ask person "b" to accompany her.... Guess who will get in ? Most of the time, person "b".................... Those who are not die hard to get in, will be the one that is disappointed...

Just like for me, i took the exams for enriching my own knowledge.. at least now, i know what policy i have... I was so blur, that i dun even know who policy i own.. Last year, i bought a policy, more for supporting friend........ i only knew what i bought, last week...

Everytime, when i feel stress, i close my eyes, take a deep breath and think of dancing. Is weird but Tango, really give me a very nice feeling.... keep me cool, and elegance.... i like it.... Maybe, others think that i am trying to impress others, but i don't.. I am not that pretty nor slim, dancing is something what i want to learn for long time, just no time, no partner....

Few days back, i receive a sms from my this friend, asking me out for drinks ?

Guess what is my answer ? No answers, as suppose to be, "ok, let's go "

Until today, he have not confirm me as a friend is fb leh ! ( i am just ???? )
In this case is unique, what i interpret is : sex tonight ? I thinking everyday, he just MASS sms certain girls, and see who reply first... There was once he kept on sms me, asking me to go out. There are times, i replied 1 or 2 hours laters but no further reply from him, til 3 or 4 months down the road. For example, i think, maybe every sun, he mass sms girls with alphabet starting with A-B, then next C-D........

Actually, things happen long time ago.. Is embarrassing, but you don't need to prove anything. I am not interested in you also.... Dun worry, nothing happen also. But for normal drinks, I welcome that.

I am open to sex discussion with friends, as long as they invade my own bottom line. Discussing it, doesnt represent that i sleep around. I might sound slutty or flirt, but is all harmless....... Til today, i never have an ONS..... NEVER ! Even for 81, was because, i went there to attend case before. Geylang, i worked there also for few months ! Cause i was stationed at geylang east, half of my cases are Geylang... But i feel uncomfortable, looking those prostitutes.... Normally, i would change seats with my medics.. They have a better view, and i can hide behind.....

Going for road trip in 4 hours time, so cool with friends... I need to know how fast my car can go..... Hooray !

Have a safe trip back !

1 comment:

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