Monday, December 20, 2010

Resistance to men.....

During my previous post, i almost slept while typing it, i was really really very tired.... wake up after 12 hours of sleep but still tired..... Then went on for my practical tango class.... it is boring without friends, jolene when r u coming back from cruise ?

They dance so well.......... amazing.. when is it going to be my turn ?

After missing my class on thursday, i feel like shit, i can't dance properly....... i miss the "rock" step and all.... plus yesterday, got the pivot step. that i am not good.. dun know why, was it tired or not feeling well..... So when u pivot, u free leg will be like caressing the floor..... gentle and elegance...I want to learn to dance tango properly. Yesterday, i dun really have the connection..... This couple was dancing so good, despite their age...

Yesterday, i finally learn more about resistance..... When a man lead you, you resist the same amount that he give you and repel back, until you can't resist, then u move just that, i constantly worry about 'blocking" the guy from moving off that y i am always faster... If you can apply to the same thing as real life, resist the guy, and take everything slowly... Just like when the guy invite you for the dance, you then slowly walk into his arms..... lovely, not too fast, not desperado. I feel my walking, still sucks.... not exercising these few weeks, make my tummy even fatter... and i can't feel it when sucking my tummy....

After 10 years, I finally mange to meet up with my friend...... 10 years ! since poly.. Consider lost touch, friendster was not active, and i can't find him through facebook too.... I knew him, when i was a councillor and attending leadership course in NACLI.... Our friendship start from there, took french class together in poly... i stopped at Mod 3, he continue.. I didn't even know he won award.......

He look so different now, speak differently... Was i too naive or we do change over time..... It was really a nice chat and catching up....Thanks for the dinner, and " tonight gonna be a good night"- meant for me ? hahahah..... We went to jewel box, really a nice place... it was so breezy.... so suitable for drinking.. unfortunatly, i can't really drive yesterday. i slip it slowly.. Even clememt was so surprise...... Our Desert - Tiramisu

Then went to maxwell, cause clement was super high, and i told him the darkest secret i have with me...... Something that nobody knew, dun know whay i tell him.. but whatever.......

i am still very tired, nausea and going to be hungry later.... i feel like going to the beach, lie on the sands under the sun....... with nice feelings.....

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