Thursday, August 11, 2011

Brand New Day

I wanted to write something, probably about myself, but then I flip through the photo and I dun know what to type. I read through my old blog post and I still dun know what to type.

I suddenly got a urge to type something....that is so close yet a bit far

How we met : Inside club ( I hardly go club and i don't even go around knowing people )

Then I flew to bali on the very next day, he added me on fb. I didn't even know who is him, only know we a mutual friend. While I was at Bali, I was talking to my friend, not knowing that he tried to sound for my phone no, in the excuse of having the dancing video.. ( actually, i feel the most easiest way to break ice, is to have camera and go around n take pic or video, it would be better if u r a good photographer ).

After i came back, while at home, I was actually talking to 3 different people from the same team at one go. He was one of them. On the pretext of leaving the house, he left his contact for me... ( WTH, who leave numbers for financial planner? lol)... Somehow or what, i feel he got whats app, and true enough...we texted a while, he say it was boys night out ( i was waiting for him to chio me out loh, angry! ) then he say hp low batt ( dun know how true )then on and off , we have been whats-apping since then.

One friday night, to celebrate for big boss's bdae, I actually dress up nicely to the dinner... While at the dinner, I actually received WA msg from him, and he ask me to go club..I was like, I am all dress up and in town, why not..... But people that i know was not going, and accordig to him, they are not going so early, as usual... Then i ended dinner at 2200hrs, and waited.. Seriously, i didnt trust whether they going, so i went back home. With my nice make up, i doze off while waiting, trying not to be desperately by texting people. Woke up at 0000hrs with the make up, text him, and guess what, HE WAS THERE AT ARENA liao, without teling me.. NOT SINCERE one... Hack lah, whatever, since i got make up......

I didnt wanted to drink, but since it was an invitation.. ok loh.. ( i bet he didn't know what he got himself into. lol ) So i pour one glass, cheer, and another one, and the 3rd one..... I told him, my theory to drink with me is 3 glasses at one go then rest 5 ming, 3 glasses 5 min.. 3/5/3/5/ the end of 30 min, He posted 9th glass in 30 min.. I was like ok mah..... just quench thirst a bit... Then he goes, needing to smoke with the fast travelling alcohol..... then with the drama show put up by jeremy....

I went back the club drinking with the boys.... and i was still not high..... hmmm... half way through, i decided to leave, cause i feel something was a bit wrong.... i texted him, and he said that he should send me to the taxi, i said it was ok.... When he worked up that day, He text me, and then he hinted that we should hang out one day, with just that 2 of us.. I was like " hmmm.... ok" what else to say.... I was like see how.. then in fb, posted something , and he was cheeky, and everybody goes like kinky...

Dun recall if it was the same day or what... He texted me, he was alone, with the parents taking his car, he subtle tried to ask me out for dinner with him. Guess what ? The spicy revengful me, say no, cause he never jio me when i wanted to go out.. Hmmm... i rather stay home too....with him eating his instant noodle.YEAH, revenge is sweet !

He actually time the number of minutes that I was missed by him, actually I was having my tango practica... And when it ended, i text him, he told me was 112 min...i was like ok..hmmm.... even more weird..... my guess, he is falling, falling for me....

One day duty, while he was at work, he texted me and say he had craving for club sandwich. I say if he see one, will he eat?, i went all the way to search for it online, snap a pic and send it to him... Can see cannot eat... lol..... Well, at least it cheer him abit..... Then had his mood swing and every body in the work place is annoying him.In the middle of nowhere at big splash, I was searching high and low for a club sandwich under the hot sun..... And it was so diificult, and i went for the next best alternative, Starbucks...... with teh ice from teh tarik..... And send it over to eunos npp when fifi is, and he can drop by and pick it up...It was a anti-mood swing sandwiches to cheer him up, which he didnt eat till like after work.*roll eyes.

That day, after being touched by the sandwich, he tried to ask me out for dinner, which i say ok.. He picked me up, and something interested happen, and so i ask him whether are you friday, saturday or sunday.. He laughed......

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