Monday, March 28, 2011

Disappointed Milonga....

I am so disappointed with the tea milonga today...Just like the way i expected, no wonder I had strong feeling of not going, but since they wanted to go to support WT ( which he was not there) . The performance was so so, but the milonga and the music.... hmmm... I should have just save the money.............. Lucky we did some practica before the milonga..... It just that i wanna dance more.... Now i am hesitate to go for the April class cause i just had some feeling not to go.. Maybe the farewell milonga at Orchard.. It is so bad now that i dun mind listening to tango music during traffic jam... I just wish i could dance and dance.... It has been a enjoying moment when i dance with particular person..... The feeling is great, the connection has been better.... and is more friendly........ Nope... It just like a great dancing partner.......

So is the Organisation Health day yesterday, when the whole unit get together and do some sport.. But the trick is, the team who has the highest average sales decide what to do, and the lowest average team sale get to plan... so it has been our team for the last 2 month....

This time round, we had netball... it was a long long time since i played it...Probably was in secondary school... And i was excited cause i get to play, need some exercise... Barely 10 min, everybody was breathless, and i sprain my right leg again...

And then, i stopped running so much, and concentrate on shooting.... I manage to have ONE goal.. not bad leh... cause i don't know what position i am good at for netball....
oops..... dun think i am getting the pay rise this year.. lol... fighting the ball with the boss...

Of course, yours truly was the first aider for the day... What would u expect ? Iodine is the best.... lol... in fact, i had never really treated abrasion last time, i mean apply medicine, cause there was none in the ambulance last time. It was more for myself cause i always injured myself.

I could feel the aching over all my core muscle, but i had fun... Even thou as a working adult, we still do some events to keep the bonding and to be healthy.... We are competitve in sales and we can be competitive in sports......

When i went back home, my bilateral knee was killing me and i could hardly walk....

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