Thursday, March 3, 2011

The tango ME

I am glad to know that i have a good embrace ( that isaac will miss ) , i did improved.... I am more balance and more dancing stablilty.. ( "zai: ), althought i have butterflies all over my stomach... And that i am developing my own dancing personalitly........ At the welcome milonga, to us, it was like graduation dance..he say i graduate with am so going to miss Isaac, but going to BA wil be a must go for the next 2 year.............

While dancing at the farewell milonga, i manage to dance with isaac again....It was one of the very nice tanda, i am so glad that i dance with him.... He say that it was a very romantic tanda.... lol.... *shy*..... He did give few chance to try the ochos and cross over.. Of course, i was unsure, just wack only.... And after that, i got comfortable, i thought the cross over was boring, so i add it the flirty, gliding the leg stunt... Lol..... so fun... And he is good, really, his lead is clear and good... He will make ur mistake like is part of the dance... Constanly, remind u if u r too tense, remind u to relax..If i never remember wrongly, i manage to do the ochos..... and i did remember to keep my other feet on the ground.. i know, i was enjoying every moment, dancing with isaac. I didnt rememer what i really did also... and it was cool and enjoyable.... When he ask me, how is it like to dance with him ? I was like, "woh" how to answer, and the i just say good.... actually, i didnt know how to answer or describe it..."wonderful" "amazing" and i love the way we connect while dancing.....And i did remember how to breath together with him.......

My Tango Idol - Su Lynn..If i could dance like half of her..... Her body, damn power.. Her posture fantastic..... Her dancing - thumbs up, legs up for her... She is amazing, elegance and gorgeous when she is on the dancing floor.. So enjoyable to look at her dance.... She taught us how to walk properly, pressing the ground, to transmit energy to the ground..... She will make sure our leg are in correct position. She always try to answer our question and make sure we sort of the get idea. How to maintain the posture..... During the last lesson, she still came and tell me, i should focus on the inner foot to walk backward, and not outside, and she demostrate to me, what i did...
I feel that these 2 instructors taught us sincerly from their heart, not for profit, but the passion of teacing the art of tango. Is really difficult to see all these people around. I am lucky to meet them, as my first time dancing experience... they have set a certain standard for other teachers.

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