Saturday, March 12, 2011

The search for Tango Music CD

I am in my MS mood... I am feeling lazy, tired and moody.. Needless to say, I am in the anti -social mood to go for Lijun's wedding, which i am hoping to go. But to know that, Swee kiat is not going.. and the people that are that are not those that i really can chat..... I just dun feel like going with 2 hours siting there and be moody with a black face... Or maybe, cause i was banned from dancing for the whole week, coz of my leg.. DAMN!

Thinking of those day, when Lijun, swee kiat and me, probably met like 1-3 times a week in Tampines, when SW was in Selerang Camp as a EOD, lijun was working for Daniel. I think i was in my 3rd year and starting to be a paramedic trainee..

There came a question, " will us still be good friends in few years time, like when u are in Uni ?"
Swee kiat replied immediately. "yes, of course !" I felt happy that the friendship will last.. Guess what happen after he ORD... He never contacted us....

Lijun changed her job to cold storage, and i became operational paramedic.... I did organise for our meet up, which was never successful....Just imagine, i talk to lijun before she changed her job, and i chated with her like last nov, she resigned to prepare for wedding. From then, it was 4 1/2 years..... I tried to contact swee kiat, no reply on facebook or sms.... I heard from lijun, he say he was not free... I am disappointed with him....... Where was the "yes"?

Tonight, i am not in my "entertaining mood", there are times, whereby i do wanna to be entertain, not me entertain them..... With good friend f, having new gf, there are no more people entertaining me...So, i am on the internet, with the starhub mobile internet, when my sis refused to give me the password for the new moderm. Argh.....

So i decided to research on Tango music, and probably buy them online... Hmm.. where should i start ? With tian haw's help, i manage to have website... But then, how would i know what kind of music i like ? I mean in milonga and practical, u r busy practising and learning dancing, how would u know what music and the singer, or what ochestra ? Thanks to the isaac's personal music collection and burn it for us... As time goes by, i realise that i do like certain music by Carlos Di Sarli.............

So i started from him, and the music was lovely, just the way i want it to be.... I could feel most of the emotions and feelings............ And then, i was thinking of searching more information about him.. but yahoo didnt really help much this time....... Somehow, i manage to find that "Indio Manso" by him, was one of the last pieces and the most popular song used in milonga... He did it in 1958 when he was not in the the pink of health........

So my guess, i will start my cd collection from him, provided that they still have the available cds...But the search is tough, with limited help and i know know where to start and what i like....

As i was outside today, I had a sudden thoughts.. Imagine, we could run a tango studio, to sell tango shoes, tango music and tango stuffs.... or like a cafe attached...... Would be so amazing.... Probably, i think i should really plan.. Or maybe, one day i could be the next generation tango DJ with my own style of music.......

With all the starting of liking of milonga music, or any Tango music... I decided too go ahead to change the car sound system, yeap is better now..... and i wanna save music into SD card.. Yippue, if i manage to buy the laptop and sd card with hard disk tomorrow...... I just wanna enjoy tango music in my own space........

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