Tuesday, March 8, 2011

practica 2 @ POMO

Just like any other practica, we started with the walking, forward and backwards... The different type of walking....

This time round, we were learning the milonga steps.. It was crazy, it remind me those days when i was in NPCC, when we had the stationary marching..I hated milonga music, cause i knew i couldnt dance all the fast step and i would be sad after the song.... But wheni did the video, i started to fall in love with milonga music, and i knew that i had train hard for it... I would listen, observe those steps that HM and Su Lynn were teaching.
After each song, all of us had to take in a few deep breath.... forward, normal, backward ( without heels down) forward forward, side, backward, backward, side and continue....... my legs were aching..... I could even feel the muscle at my butt building up, is just that i need to use the whole body to dance......

To me, practica are more relaxing, and train us back on our basic..... so that we can dance gracefully instead on doing fancy stuffs without balancing properly.

Like i always say, the best part of everything, is always the dinner or the supper, when i always have new information..... like discovering the bad dancer, which i call " prince of Tango"... which i manage to find out.... And thank God, i never dance with him...... And my personal observation had helped me.. and s HM was surprise that i knew, and ask how i know... then Su lynn told him, cause I was the smart girl..LOL.......

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