Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tango on weekday

I met up with Joe last week, and I told him I am learning about AT. I couldn't really explain layman on how to dance AT, cause is all about emotions and feeling and connection. He asked me about music, then i told him, most of us, will listen to Tango music on a MOnday.. cause it make us feel better. Anyway, i love my life now with AT.

After somehow stressful week, I manage to turn up for the milonga at Zenbar on Tue Night. I was happy not because I get to dance but because i can meet my friends who are excited to dance AT.

I coould relax myself at the place and listen to the music and look at people dancing. Till a point, when the milonga music was playing, even i didn't have invite, I would start to practice my milonga steps alone stationery.... And WT was nice, so i get to dance with him... And it was cool.. I feel that my steps are better, some turning, it was good that it stay on the ground, some , it just fly out in the air.. More practice then......

Then I am siting there with no invite, but then i still enjoy. I could talk about shoes with the gals, and music to tian haw, and he was sharing with me about orchestra and singer. When theresa was there, she had the blur look like . "what are you all talking ?" I told her, that is what you can do if u are injury or sick, do other part of AT like Music.

When i am siting there, I realise that, our class gal like lydia and theresa have really improve. If i don't know them then i would even know that they are learning less than 3 months. Their move, their emotion, their stability in the step.... our class rock !

Then, i went to have supper with WT, and he share with me certain experience about Tango and some people. Always interesting to hear other people view.

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