Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Life without TANGO

It has been 2 or 3 weeks, since I put on my dancing shoes.... And i hate it, i am getting very cranky, i am impatient, and i just got too much thing that i would like to let go.... I wish i could have a good tango dance...

There are time, when the music is so strong, so much emotions, that i would want to cry in the car, as well as my whole body has chill when I was hearing it.... I miss the music, the dance, the people.....

I would break down easily without tango...... The only thing that can keep me going in, to earn more money and fastest way as possible so that I can go to BA fastest, so that i can dance all I want.. is a sacrifice i made now, and i hope i will not regret.....

I wish that i had this perfect dance partner, just like isaac and su lynn.... that could dance and dance, and is beautiful....... is so sweet to see them dance..... the joy, the emotions, the skills... argh... is fantastic......

Yesterday, opp my house blk, there was a doa fall from height, by the time my mother saw it, the alpha and the police was there, covering already.... of course i know, it doa....... i miss the adrenaline rush, going out for call, but i never regret leaving there.... I am in a better place, doing planning that is more meaningful. People might not be able to see now, but they will regret.. Financial PLaning is long term, not over night... You can't plan a seed today, and expect a big tree tomorrow right ?

Is interesting, to see life from different persepective... I have been thru different experience to give me a all round perspective.. I can talk about almost anything to peole.. and that's y i think my ex dun mind talking to me when he is down, just intelligent conversation.....It was nice to have a drink with him yesterday, to know about his current status and last time..

we were from the same work place, same station, different scope of life.. but we have never interfere each other job, cause we respect each other job..we didn't even need to say... cause i dun want someone to teach me what to do with my medic, so do him doesnt need me to teach... so thats a invisible line and a unspoken rule... and we are fine with it..... I like it that way.....

Is never easy to work with your partner especially if is the same workplace, unless the cards are lay properly before... if not, one word, CHAOS......

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