Friday, January 14, 2011


Last week also, while driving towards Changi Airport, I somehow manage to notice something pleaseant to the eye and the mind... I saw rainbow, and it quite amazing, most of the time i see rainbow at changi airport area... Why is that so, is that any reason ?

Anyway, I was telling Justin, a 4 years flying steward, " Hey, I saw rainbow ?" He replied, " I always see it up in the air.. " I was like whatever, what kind of answer ?

Few days later, while i chatting on fb with my ex-colleague, who is one of my good friend now. 4th solo of flying to saigon on the day when i saw the rainbow...

"Did you see the rainbow when u depart for saigon that day ?"

"Nope, I saw red, gree, blue, purple..."

I burst into laughter, well no because he saw 4/7 colour of rainbow, but he was refering to the colour/ranking code of the stewardness uniform..... To me, it was a funny joke coming from a person who doesnt care anything......

According to chief, Rainbow appear to people with happy and sunshine heart. haha.. I dun know which one i belong to i guess the sunshine heart.... I have high expectation, but i also want simple love.... I love to shower my love and concern, if u deserve it or if not, i m crazy about u...

To me, talking to 2 different people with the same job scope, one old, one new, the answer are so different... Probably, is just like 2 side of the coins.... We can agree, but doesn't mean we understand.. We say yes, ,maybe not because we really understand.

I have friends that i always hang out with, but topic we talk maybe superficial, is hard to know what they are thinking. But there are a group of friends, you hardly meet, but you know there will be there for you, if you ask for help.

I believe that everybody has it own soft spots, there are things where we do not discuss certain thing to certain people. Of course, i will try my best not let my curiosity, make u all feel uncomfortable, unless I need to dig some information to help. Yes, i might be open to talk about some sex topic, but it doesn't mean anything that i am lose.. In fact, I have never even had a ONS. I am not hoping. I am attracted to man that i have interest, or aroused my mind too... Talking about adult topic, is to know my Man.... There are still topic that i hardly discuss.... I dun need to know, unless you wanna say.... Or maybe, few years later, you will know that i already knew long time, or i will find out what happen few years later.

I might not be a very good friend to you, but i always try to be there if anybody need me, to drink, to be silly, to have a shoulder.....

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