Monday, January 17, 2011

Back to basic..

My last Tango dance, was X'mas eve, before i went to KL... It has been 3 freaking weeks since i last dance... I didnt go for the practical, cause i was at KL, or because my German friends were in town last week.... Haiz, guess, some skills are returning to Isaac.. Oops....

Today, was all back to basic.. theme : small step.... Slow... side..... ocha.... pencil..... It was interesting.. Argh.. My posture and my body..... last 20 mins, i manage to dance, but of course was step many many times.. Ok, is my fault.... I thought i had to resist, or i was just too fast..... Apparently, i was walking too fast... and then my steps hit the floor before my partner, that cause him to step on my toes..... Haiz, guess, must really master my basic... Average : 6 months, then 5 1/2 months to go...

I was practicing halfway, and i realise dancing can be a bitching things do.. People are selfish... Of course, we dun like to stand near the instructor, to see and to learn, especially if you are paying... For me, if i can see a bit, will be fine too.... And of course, in the dancing place, u definately see more woman than males.. They are definately wanted....... Those who are not fast ( like me) often ended up one side, then try to practice yourself by walking, and pretend nothing.. Some guys might be nice enough to rotate to let u have a chance to dance.....

I realise than dancing tango can be economical than my normal indulge lifestyle... I paid $4 for the practical, $2.68 for parking, my dinner was more expensive, $10 ! Oh well, i guess, is cheaper than a mac val meal, or shopping or drinking wine... Hahahha.... Should just dance more, since there is no excuse to say, "is raining, i can't run" It has been a while since i run.... Haiz.... Need to exercise more, since my age, drinking water also get fat....

I want to go spain, and maybe i should take up spanish, since BA, also use spanish... Hahhaa....

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