Sunday, June 29, 2014

Cafe Hopping

For the past week, other than sleeping and watching "My love from Another Star",

"People want to believe that she's involved. People don't want to know the facts. They just need someone to blame. Because someone had to take responsibility for this unhappiness" - (My love from another star)

Went to MOM, and finding a job. It was a depressing week again... I felt stupid and cheated. Why did I actually stayed for a company who doesnt love me at all? Why did i tell myself loyalty instead of moving to lentor for better pay and prospect ?

 "The world is a dangerous place to live in, not because people are evil, but people who doesn't want to do anything about it "- Albert Einstein 

Few days ago, after having Thai Dinner with Mummy, She brought us to the cafe nearby to drink coffee. Telling us how good pressurized coffee are and all.

                      The small and cozy of a small shop off hdb with simple menu.
                                                      The small and clean counter
                                            ZP and me having coffee with my mummy...

Hoping for a better week and a new month.. Finally can say Goodbye to suay June 2014.... Looking forward my Australia holiday in Oct 2014 ! 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Post week activities

Last Saturday ( 140614) , dropped by to the meet Rohazad, while on the way to library, after dropping off ZP at his friend's wedding, and i call it a  "quickie" tea session. It has been about 16 months since I left SSH, it was a nice and quick catch up session

Then went to library to research for my next trip. Hopefully in Sept!

Then went back to pick ZP and thought of exploring tiong bahru area. Saw a few cafe, Ps cafe etc and decide to try Tiong Bahru Bakery for first time.

After my brunch, dropped ZP at Moulmein for another wedding

Saw a few matches for world cup with ZP at home.

 Went to collect my new IC, and saw an imposter like ZP !

then decided to go near by and try artistry also,,,,

Had an impromptu phone call from Abby , and invited us to his house at bukit batok.

                                                 Well prepared dinner by Omar and abby !
Time are tough for me now and you just need friends who doesn't judge who you are.    

         Next, was an impromptu visit to Wan's house at Jurong west !

I wish I had my own house ! Hmm... Yup, I almost had until that shitty thing happen and I pay interest for nothing !

Friday, June 20, 2014

Europe Trip 2013 - Post bad/regret experienced

After blogging about the Europe trip, in general, I had enjoyed most of the experienced.

However, I had to say I had some bad experienced in the trip.

Sometime, what it annoyed me the most when people decide to message you during your actual trip, and ask you to help them buy stuffs. And they tell you dont know what is good and what is the price in Singapore.
What does she meant that  "Never ask me ", I think posted and telling people, I was excited about my Europe Trip. People who want to buy thing, told me way before my trip to get their stuffs for them. Why is it my fault that I never tell her ? I am not PAID by you.

And some people expect you to buy the item, such as a bag the very next day after they message you. And if you dont come across and keep on message you for your trip especially before your birthday..

Hello, I went to Europe for my holiday not to go buy your fucking bag, that you didn't pay on time and I had to deliver to the hospital for you.

What's fucking wrong with you ? I cannot enjoyed my own holiday and need to think about your bag. Do you even understand, I am there to sight-see. There are places that has nothing, and traveling take time. Even if i buy it, i cant fly black straight just because you want a bag that you cannot afford to pay me. And I had to pay for you first.

You expect Longchamp to open a store at a mountain or in the middle of the river.You had only care about yourself.

ON the side note, when you cannot get your boyfriend by phone,Why are you calling me to get him, and is not emergency, and you know that we were on duty, it happen that we can't pick up. Why cant you stay a bit professional, that you don't cross this thin line. I am not your butler to find your boyfriend for you. If you boyfriend is late for work, HE is, letter serve by company not me ! And stop touching each other in pubic especially both of you are in uniform.

While I am happy to travel to so many cities, much time was spend on travelling from one place to another. And we are talking about 5-8 hours on average each time. Because of them, the cost went up, and most of the time was packing and unpacking. But i want to see everything also.

I wish i could try a little more. I wish, we had try more things like food, we didn't try the nice restaurant at Pairs, until we were leaving in a few hours. We didn't have enough opportunity to drink a hot coffee and sit down by the river.

Hmm... Did i ever regret not buying the chanel bag that cost 2200Euros  ( $4000SGD)? It was my first day in Paris loh.. If i swipe it on the first day, then the rest of my trip how ? 4k every day, I wast prepare to take the risk, and is more of a want. But when will I use the bag ?

But we kind of regret that buying Goyard from Paris ! Argh !

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Phuket 2014 - The next 5 days or so

Someone is happy to watch a movie, our first for the year ! We wanted to watch spiderman but I get headache if I watch 3D !

A huge tub of drink and popcorn for the show, Godzilla ! 

My favourite night market at Patong, Most of my favourite food are here ! I am almost here every night !
The Beach ! Is really great to go early in the morning, even thou we need to drag ourselves from the bed. The Sun is more gentle, and you dont get painful sunburn.

The crowd is lesser in the morning.

                                                         This should be our next hotel !
One of the dinner at Bondi Bar, but at Phuket Junceylon. Is affordable and cozy.

                                         Heading to the  next hotel for the last 2 nights !

                                                   Passing by the Patong Beach  !

                                                We reached the 2nd hotel...
                                                     Amazing View of Patong Beach !
The weather was hot, and I just took off mydress and walked around while waiting for the room.
                                                      This is life ! Drinks by the pool !

Finally,we checked in to the room ! Woh !

 The next morning, I went up to the pool myself because someone was enjoying his sleep in the room. And i cant miss this view without the suntanning.
 This is near our hotel, where mainly the muslim night market are located off the patong beach. The "satay" cost just 10 baht. Chicken noodle soup for 60 baht.
This small little gal was just wiping the plate.

Products of Lemongrass House, because we were trying to find this place. We got caught in the rain, stopped by police for no license to ride, got into a little self skidded accident, got injured, stuck in the rain twice before we reach here.

Our very last meal of the day at Patong 2013, trying the thai food. 

During the low season, you can just go to the taxi and hire them to bring you back to the airport, for 800 baht. We got a SUV. We normally prefer to go to the Junceylon Mcdonald Area and hire.