Monday, March 28, 2011

Disappointed Milonga....

I am so disappointed with the tea milonga today...Just like the way i expected, no wonder I had strong feeling of not going, but since they wanted to go to support WT ( which he was not there) . The performance was so so, but the milonga and the music.... hmmm... I should have just save the money.............. Lucky we did some practica before the milonga..... It just that i wanna dance more.... Now i am hesitate to go for the April class cause i just had some feeling not to go.. Maybe the farewell milonga at Orchard.. It is so bad now that i dun mind listening to tango music during traffic jam... I just wish i could dance and dance.... It has been a enjoying moment when i dance with particular person..... The feeling is great, the connection has been better.... and is more friendly........ Nope... It just like a great dancing partner.......

So is the Organisation Health day yesterday, when the whole unit get together and do some sport.. But the trick is, the team who has the highest average sales decide what to do, and the lowest average team sale get to plan... so it has been our team for the last 2 month....

This time round, we had netball... it was a long long time since i played it...Probably was in secondary school... And i was excited cause i get to play, need some exercise... Barely 10 min, everybody was breathless, and i sprain my right leg again...

And then, i stopped running so much, and concentrate on shooting.... I manage to have ONE goal.. not bad leh... cause i don't know what position i am good at for netball....
oops..... dun think i am getting the pay rise this year.. lol... fighting the ball with the boss...

Of course, yours truly was the first aider for the day... What would u expect ? Iodine is the best.... lol... in fact, i had never really treated abrasion last time, i mean apply medicine, cause there was none in the ambulance last time. It was more for myself cause i always injured myself.

I could feel the aching over all my core muscle, but i had fun... Even thou as a working adult, we still do some events to keep the bonding and to be healthy.... We are competitve in sales and we can be competitive in sports......

When i went back home, my bilateral knee was killing me and i could hardly walk....

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tango on weekday

I met up with Joe last week, and I told him I am learning about AT. I couldn't really explain layman on how to dance AT, cause is all about emotions and feeling and connection. He asked me about music, then i told him, most of us, will listen to Tango music on a MOnday.. cause it make us feel better. Anyway, i love my life now with AT.

After somehow stressful week, I manage to turn up for the milonga at Zenbar on Tue Night. I was happy not because I get to dance but because i can meet my friends who are excited to dance AT.

I coould relax myself at the place and listen to the music and look at people dancing. Till a point, when the milonga music was playing, even i didn't have invite, I would start to practice my milonga steps alone stationery.... And WT was nice, so i get to dance with him... And it was cool.. I feel that my steps are better, some turning, it was good that it stay on the ground, some , it just fly out in the air.. More practice then......

Then I am siting there with no invite, but then i still enjoy. I could talk about shoes with the gals, and music to tian haw, and he was sharing with me about orchestra and singer. When theresa was there, she had the blur look like . "what are you all talking ?" I told her, that is what you can do if u are injury or sick, do other part of AT like Music.

When i am siting there, I realise that, our class gal like lydia and theresa have really improve. If i don't know them then i would even know that they are learning less than 3 months. Their move, their emotion, their stability in the step.... our class rock !

Then, i went to have supper with WT, and he share with me certain experience about Tango and some people. Always interesting to hear other people view.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Practica 3 @ POMO

Went for lunch, as we were reaching the location, the rain pour heavily, that the force from the running rain from the block , broke my umbrella.... and i was drench as if i never use it, and my make up became smoky.

Then i realise something : Financial Planner take away the umbrella when the weather is good. They give you the umbrella when the weather is bad.

And and the same time, doesn't mean having an umbrella means it will keep you dry, you must also have a umbrella that is adequate enough to keep u away from the rain. ( Adequate or sufficient coverage ). Nah, not talking about sales talk, more on sharing my view as a financial planner after I started working as compare to before. Yes i know, i did have some, but never realise that it was not enough.

Anyway, I went back home and bath but was too late to meet up with the girls that we suppose to look at Tango shoes.... Went to pick them and realise some of them were missing and they went somewhere else...

Then we continue to proceed for practica, practice forward and backward walk and the basic of AT dance... Loving milonga step and music , just that is can be very tiring. The first time we started it, like 2 weeks ago, it was killing us, the step and the speed. But i just love the music and step compare to last time, probably there was practice now.

And what amazed me was, when we were practicing for our walk, Gary finally turn up affter touching down from Zurich in th morning. He asked me, why i come, nobody hug me.... Then i was like, " argh... cause u r late.... u expect us to hug u ? Then he came on talking when we are practicing for wall.. Faintz...Then when we practice for the open practoce walk, he say he wants embrance, How meng just laugh.....

We have an amazing turnout of 17 people, and 10 was from my class... 6 gals and 4 guys. I am sure we did isaac and su lynn proud, by continue to dance.

Today, there are 2 new GUYS.... Lydia's friend, Jemmy and Theresa's friend's Kelvin.... We need guys....... Then i remember, for us to be isaac's student is really different... We really knew about connecting and basic... and we could dance better than any one who has just started too.

After the 3 hours of practice, we had 3 cars and went to Singapore Cricket Club by James and Irene invitation to eat there , and finally no chicken rice for this week!

The food was good and we enjoying each other company, especially our own class..... And Jemmy and Gary was truly hungry... The last 2 survivior clearing all the dishes...

Not only we learn AT from Isaac Ho, but we had build a special friendship from this special appreciation course organised by Wei Tang. It was truly, deeply special and thankful !

Friday, March 18, 2011

Milonga on a Tuesday

What would u do on a Tue night ? Go for milonga.....

Even if u others friends are not going..... But, it was a relaxing one, taking about music, the orchesta....

I was told my walking is better, but dun feel so.... Haiz..... I need to work harder..... I felt i just dance anyhow.. and my posture is still different...

Apparently, today, i was comment that i walk faster. i guess i walk better with heels... lol... used to it and nicer.. i am more slag when in flats... the posture, the walking.... lol.... gals will be "siam" me...... the aura.... lol......

Monday, March 14, 2011

New Laptop for Work !

I am currently using my new laptop to type this post.... For anything that is happening, i could only settle down with HP, that is value for money.

We went to sim lim, cause there is no way near that we can park at suntec, and it would be damn damn crowded, and i am not sure whether is available for sale in IT fair. So after like $7 worth of parking for 2 hours.... OMG ! expensive than orchard ! Should have park somewhere and walk....

And then it was practical class at POMO ! When i arrived, i actually had a shocked, cause i saw, "short skirt mei mei" in the class... And i covered up, with big waving of HI to everyone..... The intial class was without shoes ( i meant heels).. To do basic posture, feeling the ground, using the have a better posture....

It was relaxing, and comfortable space, basic steps, walking front and back with estatic steps... No matter how much i wanna learn those beautiful steps, ochos and pivot, cadencia and all... Like what isaac and su-lynn say, basic steps are important, embrace and walk, posture already, can make a beautiful dance.

I wanna master my milonga steps, so that i can be quick and beautiful in my moves..... So i guess for long, is mastering basic posture and walk.... After the class, rush to send Justin to airport, then back to selegie to have Chicken rice with them. Jolene called me when i was at Rochor exit, and mine eta was 8 min, so i asked her to order chicken breast rice for me.. When i arrived, the food also arrived.. Same timing, they say my time timing just nice..Su-lynn asked if we wanna have practica on 27 march, or go for milonga ? I told her, personally i prefer practical to master my basic, cause i know i won't even get much chance to dance at milonga.. I would rather work on my basics... that is for me..

. After which, we wanted to eat durian with them at chinatown. Theresa, Lydia, Jolene and me in a car is many many gossips........... So nice..... talking about how the xxx cut into our own space for the walk.. and no manners of letting people to change shoes, and her so "polite" and fake way of saying hello and bye. And today, her fake eyelashes and eyeliner, make her ugly.. I kinda of realise in the brighter light, she is not that pretty, probably the first look only.....

As we reach there, the durian store was closed, so was those desert store over there.. So in the end, we ended at chinatown point mac to have ice cream. We have fun talking and gossiping to one another... Learning more.... The best part about the tango in spring class is the bonding.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The search for Tango Music CD

I am in my MS mood... I am feeling lazy, tired and moody.. Needless to say, I am in the anti -social mood to go for Lijun's wedding, which i am hoping to go. But to know that, Swee kiat is not going.. and the people that are that are not those that i really can chat..... I just dun feel like going with 2 hours siting there and be moody with a black face... Or maybe, cause i was banned from dancing for the whole week, coz of my leg.. DAMN!

Thinking of those day, when Lijun, swee kiat and me, probably met like 1-3 times a week in Tampines, when SW was in Selerang Camp as a EOD, lijun was working for Daniel. I think i was in my 3rd year and starting to be a paramedic trainee..

There came a question, " will us still be good friends in few years time, like when u are in Uni ?"
Swee kiat replied immediately. "yes, of course !" I felt happy that the friendship will last.. Guess what happen after he ORD... He never contacted us....

Lijun changed her job to cold storage, and i became operational paramedic.... I did organise for our meet up, which was never successful....Just imagine, i talk to lijun before she changed her job, and i chated with her like last nov, she resigned to prepare for wedding. From then, it was 4 1/2 years..... I tried to contact swee kiat, no reply on facebook or sms.... I heard from lijun, he say he was not free... I am disappointed with him....... Where was the "yes"?

Tonight, i am not in my "entertaining mood", there are times, whereby i do wanna to be entertain, not me entertain them..... With good friend f, having new gf, there are no more people entertaining me...So, i am on the internet, with the starhub mobile internet, when my sis refused to give me the password for the new moderm. Argh.....

So i decided to research on Tango music, and probably buy them online... Hmm.. where should i start ? With tian haw's help, i manage to have website... But then, how would i know what kind of music i like ? I mean in milonga and practical, u r busy practising and learning dancing, how would u know what music and the singer, or what ochestra ? Thanks to the isaac's personal music collection and burn it for us... As time goes by, i realise that i do like certain music by Carlos Di Sarli.............

So i started from him, and the music was lovely, just the way i want it to be.... I could feel most of the emotions and feelings............ And then, i was thinking of searching more information about him.. but yahoo didnt really help much this time....... Somehow, i manage to find that "Indio Manso" by him, was one of the last pieces and the most popular song used in milonga... He did it in 1958 when he was not in the the pink of health........

So my guess, i will start my cd collection from him, provided that they still have the available cds...But the search is tough, with limited help and i know know where to start and what i like....

As i was outside today, I had a sudden thoughts.. Imagine, we could run a tango studio, to sell tango shoes, tango music and tango stuffs.... or like a cafe attached...... Would be so amazing.... Probably, i think i should really plan.. Or maybe, one day i could be the next generation tango DJ with my own style of music.......

With all the starting of liking of milonga music, or any Tango music... I decided too go ahead to change the car sound system, yeap is better now..... and i wanna save music into SD card.. Yippue, if i manage to buy the laptop and sd card with hard disk tomorrow...... I just wanna enjoy tango music in my own space........

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

practica 2 @ POMO

Just like any other practica, we started with the walking, forward and backwards... The different type of walking....

This time round, we were learning the milonga steps.. It was crazy, it remind me those days when i was in NPCC, when we had the stationary marching..I hated milonga music, cause i knew i couldnt dance all the fast step and i would be sad after the song.... But wheni did the video, i started to fall in love with milonga music, and i knew that i had train hard for it... I would listen, observe those steps that HM and Su Lynn were teaching.
After each song, all of us had to take in a few deep breath.... forward, normal, backward ( without heels down) forward forward, side, backward, backward, side and continue....... my legs were aching..... I could even feel the muscle at my butt building up, is just that i need to use the whole body to dance......

To me, practica are more relaxing, and train us back on our basic..... so that we can dance gracefully instead on doing fancy stuffs without balancing properly.

Like i always say, the best part of everything, is always the dinner or the supper, when i always have new information..... like discovering the bad dancer, which i call " prince of Tango"... which i manage to find out.... And thank God, i never dance with him...... And my personal observation had helped me.. and s HM was surprise that i knew, and ask how i know... then Su lynn told him, cause I was the smart girl..LOL.......

Saturday, March 5, 2011

First Practica when isaac @ BA

Initially, when i know that there is a practica on Friday... I was so happy, cause i can move my body...... So I was excited, and my gold colour dancing shoes was ready to move around....

It was my first in Zenbar, and i got a hard time finding the place... After climbing up and down the stairs, i finally reach....... It looks like a Halloween costume for rent place..

It was great to see people that i know that, including How meng and Su lynn, because it was suppose to be louis conducting the practical..... So they started walking and dancing..... We had long distance to walk, compare to UP... But i felt, the atmosphere was not there....

We could change the studio to another bigger studio, like x2 of UP, excluding the seating area.... We walk and walk, and try dancing and ochios... And me, i can't do the ochos by myself while walking.... I cant balance properly yet........

It was nice to see half of the class there, probably we really miss Argentina Tango, since there were no class by isaac, or the fact that we were missing Isaac, and its "spirit" will be with us half of the globe....

It was relaxing, walk and rest as and when you want, the only thing was, there is nothing like a proper "teaching" session, it was just a space for u to dance..

We had fun, talking about our own stuffs, receive guidance by su lynn....and the classic "nui nui nui" by gary..... was the joke of the day.....

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The tango ME

I am glad to know that i have a good embrace ( that isaac will miss ) , i did improved.... I am more balance and more dancing stablilty.. ( "zai: ), althought i have butterflies all over my stomach... And that i am developing my own dancing personalitly........ At the welcome milonga, to us, it was like graduation dance..he say i graduate with am so going to miss Isaac, but going to BA wil be a must go for the next 2 year.............

While dancing at the farewell milonga, i manage to dance with isaac again....It was one of the very nice tanda, i am so glad that i dance with him.... He say that it was a very romantic tanda.... lol.... *shy*..... He did give few chance to try the ochos and cross over.. Of course, i was unsure, just wack only.... And after that, i got comfortable, i thought the cross over was boring, so i add it the flirty, gliding the leg stunt... Lol..... so fun... And he is good, really, his lead is clear and good... He will make ur mistake like is part of the dance... Constanly, remind u if u r too tense, remind u to relax..If i never remember wrongly, i manage to do the ochos..... and i did remember to keep my other feet on the ground.. i know, i was enjoying every moment, dancing with isaac. I didnt rememer what i really did also... and it was cool and enjoyable.... When he ask me, how is it like to dance with him ? I was like, "woh" how to answer, and the i just say good.... actually, i didnt know how to answer or describe it..."wonderful" "amazing" and i love the way we connect while dancing.....And i did remember how to breath together with him.......

My Tango Idol - Su Lynn..If i could dance like half of her..... Her body, damn power.. Her posture fantastic..... Her dancing - thumbs up, legs up for her... She is amazing, elegance and gorgeous when she is on the dancing floor.. So enjoyable to look at her dance.... She taught us how to walk properly, pressing the ground, to transmit energy to the ground..... She will make sure our leg are in correct position. She always try to answer our question and make sure we sort of the get idea. How to maintain the posture..... During the last lesson, she still came and tell me, i should focus on the inner foot to walk backward, and not outside, and she demostrate to me, what i did...
I feel that these 2 instructors taught us sincerly from their heart, not for profit, but the passion of teacing the art of tango. Is really difficult to see all these people around. I am lucky to meet them, as my first time dancing experience... they have set a certain standard for other teachers.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I finally finish the movie and uploaded on the facebook, although it might not be the best that i can do.. But i think, it should serve it bare a farewell gift... I hate to buy present, i like to do it myself, but at the same time i know i am not so talented..... But the movie was did from the heart..........

So i sort of hint issac to view the video, cause we want to know if he will tear... So he saw it insider the car, really looking each picture, and comments and the music.....

He say the music was good, the movie was great..... Yap, i dun have music background, just have more emotions...... He show it to estee, leonal and all.. So pai seh.. cause i am so new and nobody....

Went thru alot of screening and selection, to chose those music.... But due to lack of time, i chose to go with instinct...

Oh, i had a bear hug and a tango hug when i left... So painful to look at him... Must leave before i tear......

It was about 11 hours of work to complete the 11 min plus video... 1 min = 1 hour of midnight.... but i am sure is worth it... It is priceless, and cannot be bought..... It is something that i do, if it worth alot to me......

I realise that i didnt have alot of photos, and those photos not taken by me, are quite challenging to be put in.. the topic and the placement of the photo to make sure it run smoothly..... now i know why are people pay to do all those things... And i am hoping for a Mac book, so that, i can do it the next time.....

It was a short 2 months, but is a quality of 2 months..... 10 classes, practical and milonga...... Really learnt alot from there...