Sunday, February 20, 2011

falling in love

I am falling deep in love for argentina tango...

This week we learn the front and back ochio and the soft gentle way of crossing over the guy legs...... Woh...... it look so elegance on su-lynn, but when we or I tried, is challenging, and i always forget my the other leg to carass the floor, is always hanging in the hair, damn...... And after the end of class, all of us were dead tired from the turning ( for girls) and the supporting ( for guys ).....

the flirting way of using the legs... i think is very sexy, the way we cross the guy's leg.. If i am not wrong, in the very first few form of the AT, it was suppose to mean, whether a girl is interested in the guy, whethere u will cross over or will u flirt to show that you are interested.... but now, it is just a form of Dance...In the class, while practising it, it was weird, cause we have to glide our leg till the knee level of the guy..... and then we shall each other face, and burst into laughter...

When su-lynn demostrated the not to do, as if, dont glide so hard, that , you can see the guy's sock... I was laughing like crazy.. Everytime, when she and Isaac did the not to do actions, it was funny...... and it remind us, not to do that kind, cause we cant see.. got to work harden for ochos...

yesterday( friday night), after the practial, we had supper with isaac. and it was fun ! the question we wanted to ask, but never ask... He asked the question to them, and i was having fun.... How Jerry pop the question to be with ML ? How it started ? They say is because of AT, they feel the sparks... Then su-Lynn, say, "no wonder you ask me, why is it that you (ML) can feel with jerry but no Gary.."About the mutual question and all......
After that, when he turn to XR and clareesh was the funny and interesting part.. the question where most of us want to know but never ask... Then isaac, was explain about the dating in BA.. Where people kiss FIRST, to see if they want to be together.. In sinapore or asia, we date then we kiss.... And i believe it, like the concept of A.T, see got feel anot... He was telling XR, to kiss and how to kiss, JUST KISS and try it TONIGHT.... I was laughing.. I was siting there, having fun, cause for once, i am not the joke or the topic... And then they ask, if it was a wet or dry kiss.. how should it be like.. So it was suppose to be a kiss for few second, feel and see how the gal react, drawn back, then kiss again... and then whatever............... It was a fun night with supper, although u i had to spend 18 dollars on the taxi......

today( sat class ), XR came late, and then we were like... So got try anot? He took tired, and clareesh was absent from the class.... so i burst into laughter, when the whole class was like ???? face.... In the class, isaac taught us using music tempo and feeling ur partner, the excitment, sadness and all... I was like ok.... feel is feel... i feel where the guy go and enjoy the embrace....i normally dun feel the kind of thing.. probably is i am not that highly train yet.... Of course, alot depends on the partner......... whether u all can communicate in AT.........
So one of the guys ask, what is excitment feeling ? Isaac asked the girls to cover the ear.. Then he said,"is like having sex" We all burst into laughter......... Tired day after the ocho and all....


I am taking a step forward, to place myself in the " dancing zone", so that i can dance.. Since most of the time, i am siting behind and talking... with my male classmates not trying to dance cause of fear ..i am very nervous too, cause i am new and i cant really dance well... but i just wanna try and class, u know the steps and u always dance with classmates... but at milonga, is a different i say, pretty gals get more tanda, or dance non stop........

For example - Jolene, I could hardly talk to her more then 5 sentence each time, and phew, there she goes on the dance floor with the guy one by one... HOT STUFFS leh.........

Although, it was short, i manage to dance with jacob, HM, isaac and one guy... although 2 of it, is started on the 4th song....Can u imagine, within 5 seconds, i was kick at the left leg, and hit on the right hand....... so funny.... It was still a great night...

Yes, i did have supper again with them.............. This time round, the secrets of BA... The cabeceo...what to do if u cabeceo a woman, and the one beside also cabeceo back...2 woman..... Answer : Go toilet............. What happen if the woman cabeceo the man, when u r in the direction, you knot your head and walkking toward her, but is not u.............. answer : go toilet again... so i am wondering how many time u need to go toilet......The dance floor flow, when u embrace the woman in AT, she is like baby who fall asleep..If sudden someone abruptly bump into a woman.. u sure wake up...... (trust me, it will , plus shock !)

Alot of things about BA, they guys love woman.. If a girl is unhappy, she will go down the streets to let the guy blow whistle at her, to make herself feel good.. Apparently, they like asian woman.. lol..... And this time round, i was the topic.. cause i am the "garang"..... then ii say no no no lah.... then isaac mention i was ex-paramedic, they are like shock !!! of course lah, now i dun look like.. i dress up......Then i joke, now i know why people dun invite me to dance...Argh, so they told me, is ok.. dance with the good one to improve.. dun dance with the lousy one... and if u dun walk off at BA milonga, others guys might not respect u or invite u again.... So much interesting thing about BA life.. I am dying to go....

And we complain, that we are being stepped on, with intention and victory attitude, hate it !

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