Monday, February 28, 2011

Milongueando Con Los Amigos

It was a crazy Saturday, Tango in Spring Last class started at 1130hrs instead of 1200hrs... While trying the vals and milonga, for the previous and the last class... The giro and the square turning.... front, side, back ochos, and side in a squae.. woh ....I am spining and spinning like nobody businss....*stars stars*..... As time was running out, we didnt really manage to try the milonga step. I was so hungry, but only had chance to grab a "bao", walk and eat, driving car and eat, and rush to UP for the special Class by leonel and florencia.... Couldnt even catch a breath...

Class 1 - Tango Milonguero

Class 2 - Men and Women's Technique

Welcome Milonga

After the Supper that ended at 340hrs, i send amanda backm then proceed home.....And well, i was so exhausted

Farewell Milonga

Tonight, was simply happy but yet sadness.... No is not a girl flicker minded thing......

It was fun becase we went to the milonga, i guess most of us enjoying ourself . taking photos with my group of classmates.... dancing on the dance floor.. yes, i am not that good, but it should inspire me to improve my own current dancing skill.... It just like those oldies Tango song, that u can feel happiness, sadness, excitment, love in the same song.. Ya, i had the same experience....

DY Royce from HK in the house......The music was so fantastic for the last 2 nights, it just pull you to the dance floor.... When i was siting there and listen to it, i was like argh. I wanna dance no matter what.......make u wanna move your legs....

I guess, looks and body still play a very important part in milonga.... if u r not good, but u wear short skirt or look good, people will still invite u to the dance floor... for me, only the "SITING"...

The last 2 months with isaac, has been really great.. For a first timer, trying dancing as an activities was simply amazing.... I have learnt from one of the best..... No regrets..... i will just remain here first.... He will return back to Bunos aires, Argentina.... it is sad but is really good for him...... Hopefully, he will bring the authentic argentina tango back here..... We miss you....

Sunday, February 20, 2011

falling in love

I am falling deep in love for argentina tango...

This week we learn the front and back ochio and the soft gentle way of crossing over the guy legs...... Woh...... it look so elegance on su-lynn, but when we or I tried, is challenging, and i always forget my the other leg to carass the floor, is always hanging in the hair, damn...... And after the end of class, all of us were dead tired from the turning ( for girls) and the supporting ( for guys ).....

the flirting way of using the legs... i think is very sexy, the way we cross the guy's leg.. If i am not wrong, in the very first few form of the AT, it was suppose to mean, whether a girl is interested in the guy, whethere u will cross over or will u flirt to show that you are interested.... but now, it is just a form of Dance...In the class, while practising it, it was weird, cause we have to glide our leg till the knee level of the guy..... and then we shall each other face, and burst into laughter...

When su-lynn demostrated the not to do, as if, dont glide so hard, that , you can see the guy's sock... I was laughing like crazy.. Everytime, when she and Isaac did the not to do actions, it was funny...... and it remind us, not to do that kind, cause we cant see.. got to work harden for ochos...

yesterday( friday night), after the practial, we had supper with isaac. and it was fun ! the question we wanted to ask, but never ask... He asked the question to them, and i was having fun.... How Jerry pop the question to be with ML ? How it started ? They say is because of AT, they feel the sparks... Then su-Lynn, say, "no wonder you ask me, why is it that you (ML) can feel with jerry but no Gary.."About the mutual question and all......
After that, when he turn to XR and clareesh was the funny and interesting part.. the question where most of us want to know but never ask... Then isaac, was explain about the dating in BA.. Where people kiss FIRST, to see if they want to be together.. In sinapore or asia, we date then we kiss.... And i believe it, like the concept of A.T, see got feel anot... He was telling XR, to kiss and how to kiss, JUST KISS and try it TONIGHT.... I was laughing.. I was siting there, having fun, cause for once, i am not the joke or the topic... And then they ask, if it was a wet or dry kiss.. how should it be like.. So it was suppose to be a kiss for few second, feel and see how the gal react, drawn back, then kiss again... and then whatever............... It was a fun night with supper, although u i had to spend 18 dollars on the taxi......

today( sat class ), XR came late, and then we were like... So got try anot? He took tired, and clareesh was absent from the class.... so i burst into laughter, when the whole class was like ???? face.... In the class, isaac taught us using music tempo and feeling ur partner, the excitment, sadness and all... I was like ok.... feel is feel... i feel where the guy go and enjoy the embrace....i normally dun feel the kind of thing.. probably is i am not that highly train yet.... Of course, alot depends on the partner......... whether u all can communicate in AT.........
So one of the guys ask, what is excitment feeling ? Isaac asked the girls to cover the ear.. Then he said,"is like having sex" We all burst into laughter......... Tired day after the ocho and all....


I am taking a step forward, to place myself in the " dancing zone", so that i can dance.. Since most of the time, i am siting behind and talking... with my male classmates not trying to dance cause of fear ..i am very nervous too, cause i am new and i cant really dance well... but i just wanna try and class, u know the steps and u always dance with classmates... but at milonga, is a different i say, pretty gals get more tanda, or dance non stop........

For example - Jolene, I could hardly talk to her more then 5 sentence each time, and phew, there she goes on the dance floor with the guy one by one... HOT STUFFS leh.........

Although, it was short, i manage to dance with jacob, HM, isaac and one guy... although 2 of it, is started on the 4th song....Can u imagine, within 5 seconds, i was kick at the left leg, and hit on the right hand....... so funny.... It was still a great night...

Yes, i did have supper again with them.............. This time round, the secrets of BA... The cabeceo...what to do if u cabeceo a woman, and the one beside also cabeceo back...2 woman..... Answer : Go toilet............. What happen if the woman cabeceo the man, when u r in the direction, you knot your head and walkking toward her, but is not u.............. answer : go toilet again... so i am wondering how many time u need to go toilet......The dance floor flow, when u embrace the woman in AT, she is like baby who fall asleep..If sudden someone abruptly bump into a woman.. u sure wake up...... (trust me, it will , plus shock !)

Alot of things about BA, they guys love woman.. If a girl is unhappy, she will go down the streets to let the guy blow whistle at her, to make herself feel good.. Apparently, they like asian woman.. lol..... And this time round, i was the topic.. cause i am the "garang"..... then ii say no no no lah.... then isaac mention i was ex-paramedic, they are like shock !!! of course lah, now i dun look like.. i dress up......Then i joke, now i know why people dun invite me to dance...Argh, so they told me, is ok.. dance with the good one to improve.. dun dance with the lousy one... and if u dun walk off at BA milonga, others guys might not respect u or invite u again.... So much interesting thing about BA life.. I am dying to go....

And we complain, that we are being stepped on, with intention and victory attitude, hate it !

Sunday, February 13, 2011


While coming back from CCK from ryan and sandy 2nd child full month... I was listening to dirty dancing, and i had an urge to dance.. I mean Tango, the lead from the guy, the ochio, the walk... I just wanted to dance, despite my swollen right leg........Even to the extend, when i was standing up, i carass the floor as if i was doing the practical. The old man infront of me, was looking at me, but i didnt care..

I love the dance, the music, how it move, how it connect 2 people..The art and culture of it, the technique need to dance the whole dance.. I haven even really master the art of the walk.... I only know it make woman very graceful and elegance... It built your inner self esteem and beauty.... I wanna go BA, Argentina, to learn authentic Tango... Feel the air and smell the air....

Milonguero - a person whose life revolves around dancing Tango and the philosophy of Tango.
A title given by other tango dancers to a man or woman who has master the tango dance and embodies the essence of tango.

Infers the following concept

1) Someone who dance tango socially in the milognas ( tango dances ) , rather than "show" tango

2) Someonw who understands the importance of listening to the music in his/her dancing, and values this musicality over the desire to do fancy steps
3) Someone who dances in "close embrace", in which the torsos of man and woman not only touch, but serve as a primary means of communicating with each other in leading and following the dance.

How i wish, i can dance like su lynn, she is like my dance idol....

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Kai Gong Day

Is 0600hrs, and i can't sleep for the past 2 nights, my body is tired, but my mind are running marathon, and i can't seem to fall sleep properly... I am not sure is it the fact that i am finally again going to have Tango tonight or the possibility of looking at people to dance... Argh...

My right foot are slight better, but walking aggrevate the swelling, the bruises are spread all over....Please, let me dance A.T.... Is sad to be lying on the bed, elevate ur leg, when you know people are dancing Tango..... I had chose to rest at home as much as possible, even on weekend, to even have cup noodle, so that i can go back and dance properly........ I could only hear the music inside the car... I can't even practice much on the pose...

As usual, the CNY festive season also make my already chubby body to be more chubby.... The injuries has make it worse that i had to rest on bed....... Maybe, i could watch tango on youtube....
So on Monday, we had our "kai Gong" day inside office, i dun really had this tradition of this, cause i work when i need to and i rest when i want to.
I would not complain, cause i received ang baos................. Huat ah.......

So we had our lunch at tiong bahru area, team isaac with uncle lai and hua hua..

"low low low" to become 'huat huat huat "

Then we proceed to roland's house to bai nian. When we reach them, the rest of them were gambling already...... From 3 pm to 9pm.... mentally too tired for me, but the red wine was good...

I only started to gamble like 1930, just for the fun of it... I lost $10... Argh..... But it was fun, but mentally tired.... I can shout "huat ah", talk to the card and hi 5 people who black jack, cause roland was the banker...

I also enjoyed taking photo with people and at people.. If u ever see my fb, there are more photo of people than myself.. Argh.... But is ok, i enjoyed it........

Serene and Me, the 2 mobile oranges....

Saturday, February 5, 2011

This is so weird... I woke up from nap after the "superb eye mask....." sleep..... I wanted to look at the time of the iphone, somehow rather.. I saw "this person" trying to add me on fb.... I was like "blink blink", cant be real.....

I went to took a shower in a drowsy state, then came back and saw my iphone, "blink blink" , is still there... Why am i surprise, of course, if ur ex new gf is trying to add u, what would u do ? i sms him to let him know, and he was like "???? what ????"

i know gf are always curious about ex, and that include me..... but i passed that stage... I ask for entertainment purpose, in fact, never lah, where got new relationship to ask...maybe about friend's ex loh...

I am curious why she wanna add me, should i add or should i not ? tough choice.... i dun wanna to be quarrel topic.....lets just hope and pray we all can be good friends..... *wink*


CNY - Day 1 @ Grandfather's house- My cousin and niece
Day 2 - Ying's house with J.E.Y

CNY Part 2 - Karen's house - visiting the "new arrival"

The proud parent wanna-be..........

( Tan Jia Jia ) , the love between Karen and Fazli.....stay healthy and grow up soon !

My friend commented on the fb to me " your baby look so cute......." ( ok, time to lost weight ! seriously )
I dun know if is i am getting old, or i am just bored.... of course, i dun really get, "when u getting married?" cny is starting to get bored for me, i wonder if it was my injuried leg.... eve of cny, i was at simpang bedok having dinner with one of the good friend.. cny day 1,i was at ecp having india food and wine.....Everything was closes i guess, and is either the malay or chinese... and apparently, i seem to be the only chinese around.. irritating to drive around, especially when u have a injured leg.. is harder to find a parking lot...
Giving birth, is not only expensive but also tiring for the parents and family... Is harder, if u r going thru confinement period by yourself, lack of sleep, lack of nutrients... i am glad that i am single, and still enjoying my life..
I saw a friend's fb intro," What if finding the love of your life meant changing the life that you loved ? it strike me, and i read and read.... which one would i chose ? i mean for now, i would not want to change the life that i love... I mean who doesnt want to be financial free, and not worry... but the things is, i have seen things that money cant do much.... bring life back or real happiness...
2 months ago, i found argentina tango, a dance with emotions and strong culture.. yes, i maybe not be very good, but i wish that i will be able to dance as long as i live.... I ask good friend, that day. i really wanna go argentina within these 2 years, how long should i go ? 1 or 2 months, or 6 months or 1 year...... he ask me go 1 month.. why ?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Twisted Ligament

Last Saturday, I was excited to go for the badminton session at Tamp Sports Hall, didn't want to drive. But isaac wanted a lift, long story... anyway, i went somewhere else to realise that he is not doing his car........... Me, being sleepy and tired...... was playing badminton.... to make myself warm up..... But then, i went outside to pick up the shuttle cock... lazy to move properly, or too fat, lost balance.... then i felt my feet inwards, with the strong pulling of the veins.. There, i go, oh shit ! Of course, not much people care.... then i walked out of the court, took off my shoes, and immediately saw this big big swelling with pain... and it remind me of the plaza singapore sprain leg incident......

i knew it was going to be, just a matter of time....................... That i will be unbearable pain, and i can't walk. But still, i wanna play badminton, because siting there and sulk, wont ease the pain and the swelling...... and if i rest early the pain will come in faster.....

If was nice for them to ask me, "am i ok ". ( erm, the big swelling of my foot, of course i am not ok ) and i guess being a paramedic before, u know what work what doesn't ? I was being offered muscle cream.. I was like is ok, *smile* it doesnt really help in sprain..... "ok, but if it make u feel better, then i will put.." I am not saying anything, my pain for threshold is higher than average, and my medical knowledge is somehow inside the brain... my calmness allow me to react even better than some paramedic that i know....

i could play badminton, go for lunch, then.... just as we left for home from lunch.. I stand up, and there is goes.... I could barely walk, everybody walk and never turn back, i was in pain scale 9/10..... i can't walk and there was no support..... I feel like crying... cause i knew i couldnt drive, and i don't know who i can find..... i tear and walk up to my house, bath and changed..... to tear back to go down...

I went to tcm, he saw my leg, touch touch my feet, then he say.... in english, "twist ligament".. i was like amazed, tcm talk to me in english leh... and i was like "huh" , so is ligament lah.... and he can show me pic and circle the ligament that i injuried....

I realise one thing, no matter what age you are at, as long as your are a children of a mother... When you are injuried or sick, your mummy will always be there.... is "pai seh" but is love too.....i guess is more like a ancient chinese culture.....

The day 2 of the injuried leg, bruise and sweeling still there... and i couldn't barely walk... actually, til today, it is still painful.. i should rest.. i had enough of driving people around... The bad thing when u have a car...... they dun care if u r injuried anot.....

Because of the injury, i couldn't go for my tango practical class.... erm... i hope it recover by next week...