Thursday, July 14, 2011

The unexpected

Just came back from PS - Dinner and catch, up with Justin Wee, Julius Eng, Johnson Siew, and Jody Qiu.. All the J-ss...It was really great catching up with you all... Justin still a physiotherapist at TTSH, going for his master soon, and be bonded for 4 years. Johnson just changed to a new job from st to jetstar asia. From "zeng" the plane, to repair the plane...... Julius is still at ST.........

Johnson shared a very interesting story with us.. It was damn fucking funny... Oh my God... Is like the highlight of the night.. Nothing beats that..

During one of the nights in April 2011, he received a call at 0230hrs

P - Where are you ?
J - at home sleeping
p - Where is your bike ?
j - downstairs
p- No, is with us...

(P is police, J is Johnson )

For a period of 6 months, his bike was used for joyride at nights without him knowing until police caught the guy at a road block when he tried to run away. He pumped his petrol full, and the guy will used until reserve just enough for him to go to petrol kiosk. It happen mostly weekend night and sometimes, the guy clock mileage about 100km. He thought it was petrol leaking, went to workshop and it was not.... Till the day the person was caught...

Justin laugh until he mention that crime watch will make a movie for him..... We even propose, u should ask the guy to pay u, and share the bill. This guy also parked his bike back to the same lot and same position for him. We say that is quite smart, instead of taking his bike for once, he used and never pump petrol, in the long run, is actually a long term savings....

Justin and ws listening to Mr Brown.

But while everything is going on. I received a msg from Justin " Toy passed away" and i was like u got to be kidding, wrong name... But i know he wont msg me for no reason. It was true. He died because of rta.... ( that's y i gave up bike after prac 5 )

The president of Harley Davidson club ( MRMC ), died in a rta.... I would not expected it from him, yet life is fragile and unexpected. I didn't like him, but i am hit hard by the news. I dun know what happen...... From some point of view, I guess to die together because of bike might be the happiest things for him. As far as i know, his mum just passed away few months back. Life can be really short..... Doctor can predict the birth of your arrival, but not your death and how ?

From a ex-paramedic view, is sad, is accident, is tragic. We indeed should treasure life. in the view of financial planning, I hope, his family is taken care of properly, financially. May God Bless upon you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I was wondering if this is the same Justin Wee who studied in Australia (I'm assuming he's done by now.) Lost his contact. Hope he can contact me back. Thanks! -marie
