Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Last Sunday, marked the 84th bdae of my maternal Grandfather, which we celebrate at my uncle's house. This year, all of his grandchildren are around and back, where the great grand -children are sleeping.

Grandfather is a great cook, from Hainanese chicken Rice, "Kong ba", streamboat etc, every new year is like cannot miss........ Heard him saying, he will be breathless after working a few steps... Of course lah, chronic smoker, I think he is a COPD also.... Now, the complication come... So smokers, cut down a bit lah...

I was very so tired on a Sunday, that I did not went for the dance.... I was so tired, and in the night, I felt so feverish... I felt cold, and I knew it was not because of the air-con..... A/W the crampy abdominal pain.

The next day, I went to see doctor, I had borderline fever 37.4 degree, ( but my normal temperature is 36.5, which mean i have fever ). I was given 2 days mc to rest... When i told my manage that i want to go see doctor, He ask me if I am going for the meeting at 4pm... I was like, " i see doctor for ? for fun ? take drowsy medicine again so that i can drive ?" Who is going to be responsible for me..... The last time when i had giddiness and all, I was driving around wit the drowsy medicine and working as if my mc was fake..... i THANK GOD, nothing happen to me.

Yesterday, I was given a surprise, home- made muffins and cookies, because i had fever..... So must i have fever before I can have muffins....First time, I received home made muffins...... I already ate 4..... left 2 only........

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