Saturday, July 23, 2011

Half Year Planning

Today, mark the first and longest meeting and draggy I ever attend. From 0930 to 1930 , minus the 1 1/2 hr lunch dreadful break... I felt suffocated to be seeing them for like a whole day, and even lunch was about work.. I dun know i m being sensitive or what, whatever they say is beating about the bush and directing at me.....

At 1600hrs or something like that, I was feeling giddy, restless, nothing seem to get into my ears, my brain.... My butt just could not stick to the seat... All i wanted was to hug you, and be in your arms, I missed you so much......

i didnt like the whole meeting and what it was really about, but I told myself that I need to keep a open mind... I wasted 2 years because of him, I do not want to waste my time anymore.. I waited for you days,weeks, months, and years........ I could be a more successful woman by now... I gave up to be a woman that you want me to be, and no the woman i wanted to be......

You are happy with the woman whoever she is, rubbish for you excuse..... Since you cant be bother to reply me, when u even have time to reply ppl before, after flight, even turn around or when u immediately land.... I am and was nobody to you, just some gal that pack your stuffs and send you to airport.......

I did a simple calculaion, so that I can achieve Star Club ( for awards and to be in newspaper ) for my own personal and business achievement..... I just need to close one case per week and meet one people a day for 3-4 days/weeks.... It doesnt look difficult, it certainly look easier than Isaac 15 appt/wks, of course that is x3.5, which is the MDRT also.... in 5 years time, I hope to be able to wear that jacket too..... When i did the calcuation, it i have was like, not so bad, just that i have not been doing it.... While I try to tell GZ about his climb360, and calcuation about his business, I did none for myself....... It was never about me, it was always about others..... But i know is possible..... GZ, while you make climb360 happpen, and I will make mine happen together in the journey with HIM.....

While everybody setting high goals like MDRT, which many people done it... I chose to have half play, half work... I would still love to spend time with my loved one, like mummy and Leyun.... Most of the time, nobody talks to mum nor dance with Leyun. Seeing her grow, from a baby, to siting up, crawling, standing, walking, running, learning to talk, was simply an amazing journey, even thou she is just my niece... Of course, I would love to have mine, when the Right guy is in place......

While I want to achieve to clear my car loan or even change to M3, achieve 1 ISC in 3 years times, and achieve MDRT or to have 200k to spend on a personal assest in 5 years time.... I do pray that people around me will support me in emotional and in action...

Financial Planning aint just insurance coverage... You understand it, is more than that... It is a gift of love to partners, peace of mind to depenedent, financial support for children's education... All of the above, which i never had it before....... I do hope people around it would understand and benefit.. Eventully, I might gain short term, but i dun gain from the Sum assured, In fact, i will delivering 100,000 , 200,000, 300,000 or even $1,000,000 to you or your family.......

While is a crazy week, with me falling sick and all.. GZ has been busy working....... The no. of hours he work, the point he had arrest and all, the lesser i get to see him, probably 5-15 mins was squeeze most of the day when he was on duty........ I hardly got chance to talk to him.....

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