Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Little dark secret.............

Hmm... My legs were itchy yesterday when i walked from office to the carpark, and i feel like dancing.....not just dancing but with him.....

I have to say, dancing with him is a pleasure to me, and sort of satisfy my emotional craving, craving to be hug and to be taken care of.. Is like what isaac say, they guy should embrace the girls like baby.... Of course, many times, i feel that i was like a baby and i was be woke up by other people for certain things and is irritaing...

There was this time i dance with him, i dont know whether is the music or the connection felt by me, or ??? I cant really describe the feeling, it was intense, like the person u love most, and u just wanna hug and kiss that kinda of feeling.. At the instant, i almost feel like kissing him that kinda of feeling... But like i say, is a dance, probably i fall in love with the dancing character..... cause the connection is good.............

other than that, i have no other connection, just the DANCING CONNECTION...

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