Saturday, July 4, 2015

Month of April/May

 So is the 1st of May.
Dear was the best man of Ibrahim, and he has been busy with his wedding preparation for the last 2 weeks also.

So i had already chose his jacket in HKG armani, and his shirt in G2000. I had prepared at home and then head off to meet him at centrepoint.

Saw some familiar faces.

Then headed off to meet Faz then nat for some gossip session at ION gusto.

We are quite crazy taking photo everywhere.

Bad idea to wear your ferragamo wedges if you planned to wear orchard 3-4 times over a short period of time. So i had kicked a fuzz again, cause i couldnt get ZP, and i wanted shoes from the car.

After which, Nat dropped Faz and I at clarke quey. Had a little more chat then the downpour of rain.

ZP was supposed to pick me, by then i msg him, he fall into deep sleep. So yet another quarrel on the same night. Cant i treat him a little better ? I am really bad with my temper.

One fine wednesday, when he was working, I bought double mcspicy with nacho cheese home. Feeling really bad about having them although is taste ok. Fast and convience food.

Percolate if finally open. ZP and I went there first, then he stayed there for his work while i have dinner with my family. Then my family went there for coffee then eddy and nat came for 3rd round

I wasnt feeling so well over the week... ZP made hoomcooked noodles for me. It was so cruchy and delicious and i had 2nd serving.


                                                         Finally, back to phuket !
                                        There is no more nutella ice ream from diary queen.
                                                          No more MK for him.

Had a fall while going back to work on the first day....

Meet Faz to take some medicine for my leg ! 

Had a lousy uob free spa. It feel as it someone putting cream instead of massaging

one of the last date together. Out to vivo....Rush date...

Month of April....

Stupid boy bitten his own tongue........................
                                                  We went to Taka for a walk.....
 Someone feeling feeing to have a bdae cake in his bdae month.....

Advance bdae celebration for Nat with eddy.......

                                                     Supper @ Spize !after dessert !

Random meet up at Harris with Rid and Faz... Changed afer bathing :-(, cause someone wants to go and we went down to meet them.
 Had pizza and wings for dinner/supper.
                            Watching Russell Peter after 2 years ! Love all his jokes
Met up with the gals to have BBQ stingray at ECP.
                        Drinks after the dinner ! Continue our gossip session !

                                       Impromptu dinner to Supply and demand !
                                                         His Birthday dinner at P.S cafe.

Actually birthday day - 25.04.2015 - 30th bdae ! To the long awaiting sea aqaurium ! 

                                                              With Baby khalifah !

                                                                 Happy 30th Zewl Pink !

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