Sunday, April 5, 2015

Macau & Hong Kong

Finally, manage to catch some rest after 2 days of improper rest. Had to wake up slight early in the morning, in search of shoes for the wedding later. So we head out and try to find Ferragamo, as we have walked from Taipai old village, thru the travelators , cut backs to ventian, and cut across the huge shopping mall and then back to the hotel the previous night.

This time round, we were lucky, as ferragamo was just at the opposite building plus plus. Found and tried a few pairs, but still decided to go one with the smart casual one that I am unable to use for work or outside.

Went to have lunch and a quick rest before the wedding dinner. Met up with dear’s ex schoolmates to go for the wedding. We were quick early for the wedding as he is one of the emcee.

We took the shuttle bus to galaxy macau !

Live band from Philippines for the wedding
Sat at the outdoor patio and enjoyed the chilly weather. Wedding with their own theme and logo.


13course++ dinner over 2 hour, with other entertaining programme and speech given by their friends and relatives. 

After dinner, was post-wedding party back at Sheraton.

20-30 people in the smoking room. Drinking and dragging to almost 3.30 . which I have yet to see the casino, so went down with the guys while they gave have their supper. I had to leave early cause I was so tired. Took a quick look at casino and left. Heard one fried rice was 27 SGD. Vending maching cup noodle cost like 30MOP/HKG or $4Sgd.

Woke out the next day, and did a quick body combat from you tube then went down to macdonald to buy breakfast. Packed our stuffs and went to meet the guys.

Wanted to wait for billy and go back to hong kong together. After waiting and running around, dur to luggage and ticket, we still didn’t go back with billy. We went back to sheng wan where he went back to Kowloon. What a day for waitng. Was so tired and wanted to pee, so took a cab to the hotel from ferry terminal. So happy we finally check in, but the room was so freaking compact,not much space to move around esp with out 2 big luggages. 

Went out for dinner, and had a warm dinner after so long. Instandle noodle ! Had a quick walk and went back to the hotel early. Still exhausted from the sin-mau and mau stay. Really had a long sleep to compensate for the lost of rest last few days.

We were unable to locate the dim sum restaurant, we ended up having set lunch at cafe del coral.

Is similar to imperial – menu from the board, pay and get the food. Is affordable and nice. Got myself warm Marconi with warm tea.

I wanted to use the toilet, found the 2nd level filled with woman fashion, bought a few clothes for office. Almost $20/pcs, still cheaper than Singapore.

Left the building then I realize it was New town – the shopping center estee was talking about.
Walked to find the computer center and the ladies market. Bargain for a few bags and

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