Saturday, December 19, 2015

November 2015 - Unexpected and Mind Fuck Month

4 Nov 15
I felt super sweet when u pick me up from my building and then held my hands. It was something quite unusual. It was damn nice hugging u and kissing u at the bus stop. Held our arms and lean on u on the bus. Unfortunately , bibigo at suntec closed down. So back to Seoul garden. Even thou SP was very tempting. Siting down and having nice lunch while talking is also very important. Holding hands at marina square was also very special, like I say if I can I can't wait to show the world I love u and I am happy with u around.

Random things that I suggest Ike dressing u up was fun and interesting. From choosing the size of ur pants and decide what to get for u. U Really look like Italian boy. Totally so my type Bb. Really really love u so much . So crazy for u... Being around u was so emotional and fun. I know u r never a sporty person but yet u need to entertain me to clock all the activities that I wanna try.

Bb, just wanna be around you to love you, to protect you, to care for you. Feel sour that she is around you yet she does not care for u, breaks my heart totally. When will u ever let me to be beside u and to love and care about u 24/7. I would rather wait 2 years for you then to waste my whole life not being with u.

5 Nov 2015
Was it a good thing that I don't cry ever since maybe Monday.... Are you really not that worth it ?

Maybe things starting to be clearly when u ignore the feeling from the heart... Never trust a seriously but why am i always making the same mistake

I am nearing  to giving up... I don't think you will leave not because of the kids.... Very sure we can get the kids , I think they are something still going on that I won't question and don't want to know ....  I want to protect the people I love , I want them to be happy , I want things around them to be solve , I guess u prefer her around not solving. So I don't wanna get must dangle ...  I don't know if u will love me during the upcoming 2 years or I will still love u after 2 years .... Things does seem too good , coz I don't think u will contact me that frequently which of bother me with your thousands of reason or excuses, so probably it will Let me be cold hearted and die off..

If you don't want me to fight for u ever , should we even let me go like almost now ....

Will U miss me if u see the stars , blue skies ? the sunset or the beach . Take a Picture sent to me when u miss me ...

07 Nov 2015

Upsetting day not be to seeing you, especially with the limited text after our ice skating date night. It was upsetting to see my phone without ur msg. Even if is just ur Bb...

Since that night, I wanted to tell you something, considered as my very personal things and dark secret. Not sure when you know it, you will mind or you will understand why certain things are like bad i want aiden quek and all etc...
Perhaps, you are just like any other normal guy who like to keep things to yourself, without explanation and talking. Bestie talk about everything, happy, unhappy, sad, nonsense and shit.. Just like the way we are, from listening to your heart beat using stethoscope, and ur  stomach singing symphony. Is kind of special when you called me during the bad day, to tell me your bad day. I know is a bad day for you, but i feel happy listening to it, cause u r talking to me like complaining to a friend. Most importantly, i get to hear your voice. 

To always suan you, ask you to stop eating sinful food in aussie. ask you to run and take the stairs up home.
Sometime i think you really think you love me, sometime i think you can do much more better.

08 Nov
 A night of waiting, just to see that, " Hp no batt.. very late le. call u tmr " I dont know how to define our status ? Bf ? hmm? in a relationship ? pretty much look like it ? but is definitely been 3 months since u first held my hand,kiss me and hug me. The warmth of you hand, making me feeling so secure, the passion of the kiss making me feel love, the hug that u give giving me the wonderful feeling ever. Yeah, I woke up feeling lousy and threw up the breakfast i ate, probably from the not eating the previous day. i miss taking out the watermelon seeds for you, although u always say dont need but i know you are super happy cause someone is doing that for u.  

09 Nov
BB with the limited time we have, I just wish to spend every precious seconds loving you and be in your arms.

We really dont know what will happen that 2 years or moving forward. I just wanna spend these few weeks loving u BB. I dont wanna waste time to get piss or angry with you. I just wanna tell u how much I love you and how much I miss you at every opportunities i have. 

You mean the whole world to me, even i have to suffer that heartache to be still loving you. Your presence especially phyical presence is precious to me. 

Somehow disappointing that I was unable to talk to u and somehow u won't even acknowledge or what I have say to u. It was kinda of hurtful. So use gym to numb the pain. I don't know what to feel... Went for ABT, went for body combat , I swear the image of apple work very well with steak. The intensity and hatred hmm.... I could KO of a person..... I knew in order to love u , I must step back as a lover and just be your friend. 

So I run after 2 intensity class , even densie say I am crazy. I could go on more but what's the point ? What Ah jie say must be truth .... A victim at home ...Problem doesn't even lie with me ... So there u go with ur complain at I kinda of agree you don't know how to love. 

Remember when I told u your heart was empty when I first hug u....I am guessing, you never experience true love, since u were married since relatively young. I think a lot of it were based on u need to carry out responsibilities and not based on love. In general, love doesn't even existed in the family. Trying to be there doesn't meant love. Not being with them doesn't mean u don't love. I am guessin when u know me it was more like curious and lust, but as the dating goes by, u felt love from me, someone to take watermelon seed, to rub Vicks, to care about u, and u slowly fall in love with me , and so ur hug change, u even held my hand outside on broad day light. But still u don't know about true love. 

If one day , something happen to you, who do u wish to be your side ? Her ? Who will take care of you.Then if someday something really happen ? Would u even regret what you could have chose? I don't wish anything happen to you but I live love laugh the basis of I might not be around Tmr. 

Bb, be nice to urself, when u need to stay firm. Have some ME time to form your own thoughts and love yourself so that you can love ppl. You can be considerate to others but not at the expenses of your own happiness. 

From your Silly Gal

08-11 Nov

Bother by you, went for BP/BC on sunday, then ABT/BC then run on monday, and another BC yesterday. These few days of BC, is becoming more and more intense of exercise. More physical pain, Non-stop dripping of sweat, with punching.

I am utterly disappointed by you actions. understandable that you cant meet me, no courtesy msg to preempt me also. Say u remember by heart when u read the msg, yet when i ask you, then which msg was there. Seeing you online, and i am not even worth you 5 seconds of busy, tty. And now is back to 2712 is coming.. Then let it come... We cant stop it anyway at least we can treasure the remaining time. Come what may, i am willing to hold your hands to walk thru it, even if i suffer and you know it !Oh wait, who am I even to you, ya nobody..... I am understanding, not an idiot... Even thou, i so wanna talk to you ( since last thursday ), i know i have to refrain myself from texting you, to know wheres my actual position to you.. So you gonna wait till going home time and text than 10 min.. Oh well, go back and have heart to heart talk with your apple then... You are really specially to me last 3 months, but i am not sure on what should i do, for now, i am hiding me feelings for you.

 11 Nov 2015

During the past one week especially the past few days, I realise how much i really love you. I cant bear myself to get angry for you, I only wish to know you are safe and sound. I could only remember, how nice it was for me to lie on your arms, how nice is to hug you, hold you and kiss you. That i never waste any chance of telling you I love you and how much i miss you.

I just didn't want to waste or lose any more precious time with you. I only want those precious happy memories with you. I am sad that you dint wanna treasure the current time instead u tried to ignore me. And now, i don't even know what is going on.

I have to keep my cool, and seeing the past msg, to remind myself that you really love me too. I wish you could have told me everything that you wish too.

Despite my patience and constant effort to maintain.

I really don't know what to do, you not ever seem to even treasure it despite trying to talk to you. If feel as if u went to rockhampton, i don't get to see you at all despite you physically in SIN, worse of all, i get zero msg, to 5 msg top.

I cant tell you how much i miss you, how much i wanna be in your arms. Best of all, i dont knoe what you are even thinking. I am lost, hurt by your action. You are leaving but you chose to hurt me this way.

I have never expected you to treat me like this, just like any of my ex.. I really thought we were great, but yet u chose this again..How am i suppose to feel, You just want to mind-f me and throw me around ?

18 Nov 2015
My heart sunk when i saw your msg. I feel relieved. Yet i feel like shit, whatever was told me was like your usual bullshit

Yet, i can the the change from you not loving me to you loving me. It was all fake, for you to rush down to see me and to the doctors? You promise you will always love me and you know it. What cause the changes ? just because she found ? she threaten ? 

No matter what is it, i have cherished and spend every possible seconds with you. I have love and make sure you know it. I wish to know what happen.So our met up of 25th times and all, doesnt matter to you ?

I really love you, yet i am very speechless. Is painful coz like i say you chose not to love and see me ever. and you not even going to let me be your friend.

21 Nov 2015
After this almost 3 weeks , I realise how much I really love you and miss you. Whatever you go and see the stars, every star represent how much I miss you and how much I love you and want to be with u ....
You r the first guy then I hardly throw my tantrum around ... And j cherish and every seconds with u ..I can't seem to get angry with u... I can only remember how much I miss u , want to kiss u, and how it felt to be in ur arms ....
Of course I am disappointed, after a very bad n hard day at work, i just need some comfort from you. I am ok with u not having physical time with me. Just let u love love within me , and bring me some comfort among the way... Is that difficult to ask "BB how's ur day ? "

Our Precious Vacation - Lifetime Memories

Day 1 - the day we have been awaiting for ! The very hour we can finally hold each other without scanning... But 15 min passed arranged timing , still no sign of BB. Seriously bloody damn piss... I was waiting for him to come in so that I can have some light dinner for the gastric.... Up and down yet never can never meet each other...  He don't seem to know the place ... Haiz , until is time to go into the gate... I don't mean to throw tantrum ... But things seem to be disaster from the start....

A little hug from him and a kiss just melted my heart... I just couldn't say how much I miss him and I wanted to kiss him. And the thought of us siting apart.

I was arranged at the window seat... And thank God , he was arranged at a empty row .... So BB came to my row and brought me over .... And so we finally could hold each other and kiss each other.

By the time we get to the hotel, we saw 2 single bed... Woh... Sian.... Went down told the hotel staffs... Guess what ! They just pushed the bed together ....pancake for the start ... And then noodle soup outside 7-11....

Then it was time to explore the Bangala road . Have some drinks and live band. Went to monsoon, didn't know the usual band went to a new bar called TAO....  Ordered a buckle of beer, with BB.... Feeling so different with him by my side ... We had to call the night early , as both of us are quite tired.

He slept, and then I was alone and saw my starry night ... So I kinda of disturb him from his sleep so that he can hold me and glaze at the stars.... Finally, we can sort of see the stars together ....

Day 2 - both of us are kind of morning person, but I will always sleep after him and wake up before him. Had breakfast, and someone was so Sleepy and went back to sleep, so I went to the pool and tan alone. Weather was not so fantastic , and I miss BB a lot, so I went back to the room like an hour later. Packed and went for lunch and shopping .

 BB said he wanna try restaurant , so we tried the usual restaurant that I am there.
 We wanted to try ice cream.. DQ had this bizarre ice cream that u can flip it around... So we experimental it... First try not bad.... Then guess what..... Thank God for iPhone burst, we managed to capture our expression when the who ice cream topple on me ! Epic.... Haiz my favorite masseur and the lady boss are not around.Wanted to wait for my night market, but BB wasn't feeling well... So we took a tuk tuk to indochine.

Shortly , someone fall ill and went to sleeping mood ... I was left alone for the whole night . Thank God I had my wine to accompany me , enough to make me sleepy to sleep.....

Day 3 ...
Had our breakfast, and laze around in the room. Someone still complaining about the stairs.... We had our own outdoor jacuzzi and  pool. It rained quite heavily in the early afternoon. Did some shopping and book the day trip to Raya. Finally can get to try my night market .

Day 4
Woke up for breakfast and when is almost time , they told us the pick up is there to pick is already... Since we are the 1st pick up, we waited almost 2 hrs before we finally reach the boat ..... It was special, the blue sea that I loved and the man I loved...

BB looked super cute today, total my type. I swear I kept looking at him non stop .. Thank God I have a reflective sunglasses , don't think he can see I keep biu him... Damn cute.... And he has this nice fatty shoulder , that when u sleep and lie on it.. And I could hold and hug his leg ... Seriously , Damn comfortable. I have kept kissing and holding his hands .. Super happy to have him.... Snorkel together .... I have never been in the water for so long ... Holding his hands such a happy thing .... Excepy for that elbow and the kick from him which he denied. Ate ice cream after lunch ... Took wonderful pic ! Sun tan together !

It was indeed a very special day for me and i hope for us... to hold  you and have you my side.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

September 2015


Met up with bachie, with our planned couple wear to percolate. Went home to put on some light make up, because for sure there will be some photograph...

Quality with bb and friends. Nonsense time in the gym cause it was raining halfway when we tan.
Went to Korean restaurant nearby to have a feast !

For the same month, is mummy birthday and mine.... Blessed birthday !

Due to certain circumstances, i have to leave so i could celebrat my birthday with someone special. Dim sum that we craved for.

Lovely pressie from bff.... Yeah, I pray that like what you say, time will never change your love for me. Your love for me will never changed no matter where you are.

A early and quick birthday team celebration on Friday, just before i fly off to Gold Coast !

Came back from office, and was greeted by this lovely birthday card ! I look good on that day !

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Oct 2015 - Happy and struggling month

Oct 7

Hi BB,

Been a long time since u had a paragraph from me. Feel like saying a lot of things to you,yet I also have no idea what should I say, especially when u r leaving in like a few weeks time.

Is not that I think you don't love me , maybe I think you don't love me enough. Like i say before the life that you loved now is much loved by the love of your life. So that's nothing much I can do. I know things are not easy. And u don't want much complications. I loved you so I won't force u to chose.

If I get pregnant the things will might change. Then is like shotgun , you don't need another xpg in your life. Ops ! BB. i love you and i really want to have it with you. Seriously, even if it mean to bring up by myself.

Furthermore, you don't know why u want from me. Should I be your wonderful memories or should I even try to fight hard to stay with u. It feel tiring to fight the battle alone just by the way things are. On my part, I wish to fight it together with you.

You being away physically was still bearable. You being away and not being able to communicate with u is the hardest thing. Not sure how the 2 years will go, really ! With so much constraints from your side. Like I wonder , will we still be able to contact like how we did in Singapore.

17/10/2015 -  the day BB is back ! He had told me not to go airport. In my head, I agreed also as I do not want to jeopardize our vacation together. But is my heart , one look at him will be good. But I was so sleepy , that I only manage to get off the bed like 3pm. And mummy ask me not to go gym cause is sister bdae . So I washed up, still 50/50, I don't know to follow my heart or brain. So anyway I dress up and make up. Heaven have to make it, I finish dinner before 7. Franky called me , had dinner with him. He send me to airport , while I Acc him at the taxi q. But BB J touched down at 2003hrs. But I was thinking , if I don't "bump" to him is good , if not let heaven decide. So while entering the taxi Q, slowly turning , I was actually anxious as I am worried I will miss him. The moment I was about to dropped off,is the moment he called . He asked me where am I. And I didn't want to tell me. He said he was at taxi stand , stunned, so am I. He said if I didn't picked up, he would have left. So at the right time and right moment , around the same area. I would have been devastated to miss him. Seeing him was Aww. Finally getting to hold his hands... Finally a chance to sit down with him . Although the I miss our sortie , but siting down has been nice enough.

bb got me a water bottle (which he said was inexpensive, omg is 49.90, I would not pay so much for it) chocolate and my fridge magnet. I guess being a engineer , he js really more to a practical side.

I can't believe our timing are always so close . Yet we miss the most important timing . Why can't we know each other like 8 years ago. Seriously , I would have love to go US with him, he will be the first person I would be willing to cook for.

I don't know how to survive for 2 years without him physically. Not about the sex but him providing me the hug and kisses when I am down. I could only tell myself to book trip and look forward to it.

After one month of not seeing each other, finally get to hug. So what... So what if I am lying on ur chest.

Didn't did I know , you are planning your happy life in US for next 2 years.. When I struggle alone just to think how to go visit u and maintain our relationship. You sounded way too happy for ur upcoming life in US , as if u can't wait to go. It wasn't about the car , I guess u r perfectly fine without me too ...

I am tired ,tired of loving u ,tired of ur lies... Promises that doesn't come true. Waiting and waiting for calls that doesn't ring. The feeling of sure cold yet no one bother.

Uncontrolled crying in he bus .
It because you are the love of my life, so I need to let you go today the life you loved.

Things are tough, 很舍不得你。yet I really cannot do anything. I don't know how to survive without u physically .

Non verbal communication like hug and kisses missing from the nights when we are in Pk .


BB have a test tomorrow, and will be studying in mac. So I make my way down to yishun after the gym.
Apparently someone keep appearing online instead of studying. He didn’t even know I was there already.Other than the fact I miss him, I really need a good hug from him. Apparently, that night I was feeling so well. Pain over my left abdomen, and half way thru, broke into cold sweat. And I actually took taxi home ;-(. Although we barley know each other like 3 months, when he hold my hands, the feeling is so indescribable. I hug him super tigh that night. Miss being in his arms.

Really feel shitty and uncomfortable. Seem like the fever came back. Slept on and off thru the morning. Then someone no warning then went to tamp, giving me very limited time to prepare. So we took a bus tour together to his destination. Then I went back to tampines alone. The bus trip, so comforting to see him, to hold his hand and to lie on his shoulder.
Saw the doctor and then BB also just reach tamp after I had my lunch.  Then I ate dessert and kuah pa tie again. someone failed his test....

Went back to my house, tried to ask him to fix my computer but then hmmm.. It feel so nice to be in his arms, to kiss him, just to be around him. I will super duper miss him in 2 months time, 2 years seem such a long wait for me… I been crying and crying non stop, on the bus, and today, crying on his shoulder… Told him I sure go into depression after xmas, and he mean the whole world to me. As usual, someone doze off on the bus and then never text. Went home also text twice then fall asleep.. kanna cheated again… lucky he called early in the morning.


From bedok, to raffles hotel for dim sun, to esplanade, then to bukit panjung then woodlands, Admiralty, then bishan, then paya lebar then back to bedok.. thing i do for a man I love....Those precious moments i lay in your arms, hugging you and kissing you... Is wonderful, really love you lots that I would fight for you in time to come... I want you to be happy, like a king..... to be able to do things happily and not for a reason... If it matter to you, you are the first person i would be very willing to cook for you.... Those tears in the bus are all real, cause i will really really miss you, although you will be very happy without me there..... i could do nothing except to fight for us when you are back...

Saturday, October 31, 2015

August 2015

It was a cool morning after the rain, unfortunately I had to wake up for my gynae appt at Mt E Novena.

Woa seh.. First time to private hospital, lobby like hotel... The clinic I went is so posh ! No wonder people prefer to go private !

 Everything was bearable, the waiting time.. The scan can be done immediately without waiting and waiting for 2 hours to be review by doctor. Everything is fine.. I have to follow up with him again.

Sunday, is ah gong bdae, and my first time see my youngest cousin !
 SG50 PH ! Sentosa !
Bought Mac breakfast then to sentosa.. Managed to tan or 2 hours before we felt the rain drop.

Contigecy plan .... Decided to go for steamboat....

Then after that, went to peek at jay...OMG.... i was so happy to see him like finally !

Had lychee mojito and churros.. not fantastic.... waste calories.....

                                                         First met with Sam and Eddy first..

Went to Rozali's black house for open house. Lots of fun and comfort with them.....

On the Monday, went for 90 min body combat then body pump and 35min of trainer.... from someone yesterday's emo  Looking better than last time but still must work harder ! So someone had pick me from gym because he sort of make me piss,,,,

Coincidentally, all 3 of us wearing strips to work !

                                              Early Bdae Celebration with Faz..... Martini !

                                                     Seafood Platter at boat quey! Tequilla shot at Harris !

 Thank You Marco for the advanced Birthday cake.. Thats sweet of you !

Compang DND

How do i look ?

With the team

With the Gals

The junior gals in the team !

After DND, i get to meet my beloved BB J.... It felt so warmth and happy to see him.... Cant explain why I would fall for him in that short time, It just too comfortable to be by his side, nothing else don't seem to matter....Not the most handsome looking guy, but the cutest to me.....Warmth of your hand, passionate kisses....

Our Magical Journey

BB J, requested to know about the address of the blog... I asked him to find, but i am guessing he is really not to smart to get to here.....

So the way we have known each other was unconventional, I would never have thought to have such a best friend in this way... From texting 7am-7pm, almost everyday. Things changed a little when I was out with Joe ( my ex 15 years ago ), and I could only thought of him, someone that I has never met before, but we have everything and anything to talk about under the stars !

The first time we met was coincidental and planned. He knew that I was going to Sentosa, so he had convince his family to go adventure cove. While heaven was on his side, it started to drizzle when we tan, so we decided to go RWS to have steamboat.

That's the time he finally msg me, and I told him I was in RWS and not Palawan. I was very curious to steal a peak of him, so off i go from the lunch leaving my dear friend behind. I have attempted to look for him in a pool of people.... He have also managed to turn back for me... While I manage to see him, I say ok and bye, cause there is nothing much I can do. While I admit he is not that tall that I thought or wish for, there is just something I like about him. I like the way we talked, comfortable, no stress and happy, most important we somehow can connect intellectually, there is something very important for me.

So after the steamboat, we decided to walk, and try to find him. But then, I just didnt know how to get to the place he is at. Eventually when we got the place he was at, we walked pass  him and he didnt know. HP decided to have a smoke break when i decided to go to the toilet.

This was it, we came out of the toilet together, and saw each other ! Awkward , it was something we been wanting to, to meet each other, yet we were totally unprepared for the randomness. But BB J was cool, he waved Hi, and started to talk, despite he insisted he was shy and kept looking at the wall ! I felt the awkwardness and left.... Disappointed with no hug and kiss from my new bestie.

The very next day, he actually came from one end of Singapore to over my house just to meet me properly to have a late night tea. He kept asking me why am I smiling.. Obviously right, cause i am stress free and happy. Times flies when you are happy... It was rather special to have someone to walk you home slowly, but my house was kinda of near.

The first time holding hand, the first time hugging, and the first kiss, passionate kiss...

BB, somehow fate has got u to be smarter and found here.. As I left my browser on the phone and he manage to see it while searching for movie...I was stunned when he showed me on his phone... OMG ! Me and my ex really history....... It was then...

I really love you.... I am terribly sad and to know you are leaving in few weeks time. Yet, I know i cannot do anything but to see you leave me... Maybe, we really can understand each other very well, even without speaking. Deep down, I know you wont leave not because of whatever reason u think it is, is ur comfort zone... I am really nobody..... Your love might not be that great enough for u to do that.

Like I say," When the love of your life chose the life he loved without you!"

Saturday, August 8, 2015

2nd Half of July 2015...

Went to have lunch at Tanjong Pagar and then to airport to peek at how Darren look like !

                                     So been using thr arc trainer after gym classes !

Went to cut my hair then decided to have a drink at wine connection !
One of those nights, you need to tell yourself to be strong moving forward. Even thou is weird for a woman to be sitting at the bar by hersel

Karmal had open house, so i travel to Bukit Batok.

                                                        Photo session with batchie !

                              Quick shot with faili when his taxi meter fare is running !

Lunch with family, at Bedok Mall - Canto paradise

                                                                 My niece and Me