Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Saturday Drilling by the Beach !

Last last week, the usual gang decide to have a random grilling kind of BBQ. So we met at 1130hrs at Zac, 
To purchase meat and beef!

And then bought drinks from spc, then went bought to buy fire starter and plain water
Then finally found the spot to set up, and then Zp wearing his sunglass, then it was drizzling
Then we shifted back to the shelter.

He took off the sunglass and the rain stopped. so we shifted out again.

                                                  Our assistant chef to help in seasoning !

Then the grilling process was slow, and the hungry people started to eat tibits while waiting for food.

                                                          Nutella cake made by Dear ZP

Half way while waiting for the main food, we decided to play the monopoly card which I never played before. So they taught me which I won 3 games after that !

                                  First steak done for the day, but got to wait for the steak to cool.

                                                        We played  and eat at the same time !

A very belated birthday celebration with the gang, and cake made by Ying !

It was a cool and fun Saturday, and lovely day spend with close friends !

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