Saturday, April 13, 2013

TPE to HKG 2013

Day 5 of tapeihongkong trip - Check out itaipei serviced apartment at 0650hrs ! Look like alot of luggage ! So glad that i am travelling back with cathay, but 20 Kg seem a bit too little !
Goodbye for now ! We rush our way thru to find the airport shuttle which does not board the same place as you alight.... With the flights of stairs, we carry an run to find the station....( Exit Z3)

After about 1 hour ride, we reach Taoyuan Airport about 0800 hrs. and I think I was the one who ask the counter if we could catch a earlier flight, ( cause last yr i was so stupid that i never insist for a earlier flight even thou it was delay ! but the rest did) So she gave us a 0915 flight , almost an hour earlier from our intial flight )
                                             Off to the next destination and Posing in the plane !

Thing I loved about cathay new aircraf, you can charge your stuffs, too bad is a short flight !

After an hour ++, we reach HKG ! hoping for a better holiday this time !

Their airport express travel is fast and good.

This is our hotel off at Sheng Wan, IBIS

We check in slight early due to the earlier flight, and only the handicapped room was available,so we took it for a fast nap... heheh.... but the bed was quite compact.. can sleep cannot roll !

Next was off to dim sum off mong kok, recommended by others.

After the food was followed b some slow walk (aka shopping ) at temple streeet

 shoes street - really cheap

A must go place, Bonjour is hust like Sasa but more things and is cheap cheap cheap !

Dessert time after shopping - at Xu liu San

His mango pomolo and my warm coconut milk with bird nest !

Day 1 in hong kong, and i spend almost all my shopping money on day 1 --- how to survive the next 4 days ?

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