Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Day 3 of Taipei Jan 2013

Day 3

We started late due to the very long Day 2 which actuallu ended 0500hrs of Day 3.The thing, I like about booking of hotel without breakfast was that I dont need to force myself to wake up to eat. But i was quite hungry from the clubbing.

While waiting from ZP to wake up, I decided to go shop at the underground mall. As my phone show the temperature of 24degree, i went down with a dress and I had to wake up Zp as i have no idea where he kept the keys( if not i cannot come up)

They do have some cheaper stuffs at the underground Mall, one stocking at NT 50. Brought 3 stockings, one pants, one top, and walked to find the coat that I wanted.... Wore it and voila, when i entered the unit. ZP was like, " where you got the jacket from?"

Dress up and went to Taipei 101...... think is tapai city hall subway.

Then we had our snacks at Ireland's potato. 

Amazing fries with generous serving of sauce and ii thought ZP was so though that he bought ice tea. I drank and is coffee... Argh !

While walking back to the subwau, we were greeted by the blossoming- cherry blossom.... finally get to see it.... Such a pity that it wasnt fully blossom but at least i get to see it

The sunset was amazing within the business district .

Proceed to 2nd stop which i sWufenpu, just a few station down from Taipei City Hall area.ZP managed to get his grey pants without trying, within 5min entering the street.

I told him before you ended the 2nd street, you will spend all your money.

Unfortunatey, most shops were still selling their winter clothing and there are not much of a use in Singapore weather.

Our legs were really tired from the past few days of walking. Had a short rest in the park, wanted to go to Raohe Night Market. Walked slowly, and we found this bags store.

On the right, each bag was selling at NT 390 and the left side was the new arrival at NT 590.

We bought 3 bags at NT 1000.

Walked to the Night Market, where u had to pass by the Songshan Railway.

Ang mao selling cakes in the oldest night market and speaking adequate mandarin and his calculation in chinese. Amazing !
Quick dinner and snacking in the night market !

We had this honey green tea, it was perfect ! the guy really knew the exact portion of honey, tea and ice ! I miss it so much now !
This is a fire station in Taipei.. Just a small building ! What a mini ambulance as compared to singapore

Our legs were so tired,to walk 30 min to the subway, and we wanted to the cab but want to save some money. Me being jody just want to try something else, it was not even on my online research.

Bus 63 bring u back directly from Raohe to Taipei main Station

Ya right, we took a bus back from Raohe night market direct to where out hotel is.... No need to walk 30 min or up and down the subway station.

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