Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The bitterness of a Sour relationship

I realise i haven blogs for months... been wanting to, but either I was very sick, busy with work or too tired to even type, even i want to.. I prepared it on the bus and all but it was not posted. Haiz.. Got to re-type ???

Lucky, I found it.....

(on 2/10/2011)

So many thing had happen for the past few weeks......

Most recent first
I bought a furla bag for myself for bdae which was one week late. Plus miss sixty belt.

My beloved car was sold, nope not changing a new car. Many reason to why is sold. Firstly, to response to God's word, "let it go". Where the little girl had hand over her precious pearl necklace to the father. Later, which his dad gave her a real pearl necklace. I was sick of driving, and be in he car, it was drowning me on sorrow. The radio set is transfer to another car.

Last week, on 24/9, the day of my bdae. I did not go out, I was so tired and I just wanted to stay at home, not because this year I was not oversea. Then I slowly develop fever with 37.4 when my normal body temperature is 36.5. As the night goes by, my fever went up to 39.2 degree even when it drops is like 38.8. And I puke infront of my mummy.

At 4pm,I was literally pull out of the bed to go hospital. Contemplating to go clinic but I guess I need some blood test and dun waste money. As I arrived with a very hot and weak body. I Went to fever part of a n e, with no visitor. After seeing the doctor, I was actually put on drip, 2 pines full flash... X ray x 2 Then another pine and another pine. Totally of 4, after 6 hours in the hospital, I finally ask where happen to me and left the a n e. I was actually having pneumonia, faints...where I got it from...and I was weak, very weak for the next few days. I did not had any appetite.

I actually want to talk about this irritating man. A man who say loudly that if he is not with me, he will ride alone and not be in any bgr. Of course, that's all they say.

They say they dun like skinny skin But yet also they are with them. And he dun have the check to admit it. U say is me but u left me when I had some health issue. Why dun u say is because u r with another gal called jennifer Chen.

And after years of dating, he who cannot give me a timeline to roughly when to settle down, not even a year, no ring, no proposal. I was left dangling for 5 1/2 years. Looking at the email, he msg those gal. I feel disgusted, and I feel I don't know him. I felt dumb when I saw all those naked picture of other woman and he claim is Ben who send him. I was an idiot and that's why I slam his laptop. And when everything went bad, he ask for reason . I took the email out, he told me"I am not wrong, I never do anything " and with the beating and other stuffs, he say he is never wrong, I deserve. And is support by his cousin and he say his late grandmother will approve it. I hope u r happy with it. I dun know what kind of family moral is that.

He simply can't msg me properly and giving rubbish excuse, but I dun see it when he is with her. Is all rubbish, when they hate u, they say anything.

Me, I dun know whether to trust love, the feeling or what. I just wanna put everything down n behind. And after the car, left the house.

(on 25/10/2011)

Since i am on my long ride bus journey, time to put my thought into some writing. My mood now- happy and excited. Today, I finally get to close a cold case of my own. My goal was just to close a case for every day at roadshow.

I just had a feeling, when u have nothing. You only have a heart to that one person maybe. I finally know who will be there for me when I had nothing or will leave me when I almost had nothing. I found a man who can tolerate my nonsense and bad temper , crankiness and still pamper me like a princess. He was with me almost everyday, and bring the simplest happiness that people will crave for.

While my own business goal is still more than 2/3 away. I believe in the power of mind. And I seriously want my star award ( so that i can appear on newspaper) that's why I had to aim for top 3 rookie in the roadshow to tell myself I can do it. The mind can do what the body n ?

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