Saturday, October 31, 2015

August 2015

It was a cool morning after the rain, unfortunately I had to wake up for my gynae appt at Mt E Novena.

Woa seh.. First time to private hospital, lobby like hotel... The clinic I went is so posh ! No wonder people prefer to go private !

 Everything was bearable, the waiting time.. The scan can be done immediately without waiting and waiting for 2 hours to be review by doctor. Everything is fine.. I have to follow up with him again.

Sunday, is ah gong bdae, and my first time see my youngest cousin !
 SG50 PH ! Sentosa !
Bought Mac breakfast then to sentosa.. Managed to tan or 2 hours before we felt the rain drop.

Contigecy plan .... Decided to go for steamboat....

Then after that, went to peek at jay...OMG.... i was so happy to see him like finally !

Had lychee mojito and churros.. not fantastic.... waste calories.....

                                                         First met with Sam and Eddy first..

Went to Rozali's black house for open house. Lots of fun and comfort with them.....

On the Monday, went for 90 min body combat then body pump and 35min of trainer.... from someone yesterday's emo  Looking better than last time but still must work harder ! So someone had pick me from gym because he sort of make me piss,,,,

Coincidentally, all 3 of us wearing strips to work !

                                              Early Bdae Celebration with Faz..... Martini !

                                                     Seafood Platter at boat quey! Tequilla shot at Harris !

 Thank You Marco for the advanced Birthday cake.. Thats sweet of you !

Compang DND

How do i look ?

With the team

With the Gals

The junior gals in the team !

After DND, i get to meet my beloved BB J.... It felt so warmth and happy to see him.... Cant explain why I would fall for him in that short time, It just too comfortable to be by his side, nothing else don't seem to matter....Not the most handsome looking guy, but the cutest to me.....Warmth of your hand, passionate kisses....

Our Magical Journey

BB J, requested to know about the address of the blog... I asked him to find, but i am guessing he is really not to smart to get to here.....

So the way we have known each other was unconventional, I would never have thought to have such a best friend in this way... From texting 7am-7pm, almost everyday. Things changed a little when I was out with Joe ( my ex 15 years ago ), and I could only thought of him, someone that I has never met before, but we have everything and anything to talk about under the stars !

The first time we met was coincidental and planned. He knew that I was going to Sentosa, so he had convince his family to go adventure cove. While heaven was on his side, it started to drizzle when we tan, so we decided to go RWS to have steamboat.

That's the time he finally msg me, and I told him I was in RWS and not Palawan. I was very curious to steal a peak of him, so off i go from the lunch leaving my dear friend behind. I have attempted to look for him in a pool of people.... He have also managed to turn back for me... While I manage to see him, I say ok and bye, cause there is nothing much I can do. While I admit he is not that tall that I thought or wish for, there is just something I like about him. I like the way we talked, comfortable, no stress and happy, most important we somehow can connect intellectually, there is something very important for me.

So after the steamboat, we decided to walk, and try to find him. But then, I just didnt know how to get to the place he is at. Eventually when we got the place he was at, we walked pass  him and he didnt know. HP decided to have a smoke break when i decided to go to the toilet.

This was it, we came out of the toilet together, and saw each other ! Awkward , it was something we been wanting to, to meet each other, yet we were totally unprepared for the randomness. But BB J was cool, he waved Hi, and started to talk, despite he insisted he was shy and kept looking at the wall ! I felt the awkwardness and left.... Disappointed with no hug and kiss from my new bestie.

The very next day, he actually came from one end of Singapore to over my house just to meet me properly to have a late night tea. He kept asking me why am I smiling.. Obviously right, cause i am stress free and happy. Times flies when you are happy... It was rather special to have someone to walk you home slowly, but my house was kinda of near.

The first time holding hand, the first time hugging, and the first kiss, passionate kiss...

BB, somehow fate has got u to be smarter and found here.. As I left my browser on the phone and he manage to see it while searching for movie...I was stunned when he showed me on his phone... OMG ! Me and my ex really history....... It was then...

I really love you.... I am terribly sad and to know you are leaving in few weeks time. Yet, I know i cannot do anything but to see you leave me... Maybe, we really can understand each other very well, even without speaking. Deep down, I know you wont leave not because of whatever reason u think it is, is ur comfort zone... I am really nobody..... Your love might not be that great enough for u to do that.

Like I say," When the love of your life chose the life he loved without you!"