Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 2 @ Yang Ming Shan 陽明山國家公園

Day 2 - After waking up and grab some bread from the bus station. The whole of Taipei main station is quite big and we tried to ask for direction to find the correct bus stop . 

Bus 260 leaves from Civic Blvd (outside Taipei Main Station) near to exit M1 for the park every ten minutes, traveling along Zhongshan North Road, and turning right onto Zhongzheng Road in Shilin. From Jiantan MRT Station, Bus Red 5 leaves for the park every 15 minutes

 Self made itinerary and guide for the trip ! My research and complied it to be more handy !

The whole Journey was about 1 hour. We alighted and the last stop which is like the Yang Ming Shan Bus  interchange. According to my research,it was recommended to go to the visitor center, we made our way there, not knowing that we could alight earlier. We thought the visitor center was like near to the main area at the bus interchange. Apparently, NOT !

unknowingly, we started our hike up and  starting to be breathless ! 

The hike was cooling with the temperature about 15 degree, I actually had my make up on. Due to the lack of exercise, the hike seem rough....and long...

Yangmingshan's original name was Caoshan (Grass Mountain in Mandarin), referring to the tall silvergrass that covers the highest slopes. Chiang Kai-shek renamed it Mount Yangming after his favorite Ming philosopher Wang Yang-ming (A.D. 1472-1529).
Finally, we reach the visitor center.. Hmm....  It just historical and culture of Yang Ming Shan.
The tallest peak, Mount Qixing (Seven Star Mountain), has an elevation of 1120 meters (3,674 ft), and its peak is the highest point in Taipei City. Trails leading throughout the entire park consist of basalt pavers, are steep in places, and can be fairly treacherous during periods of rain. Expect to be passed by septuagenarian locals who make the trip every week!

Below approximately 1000 meters (3,280 ft), the park is characterized by subtropical rainforest, whereas above 1000 meters, scrub-like trees and tall clumping grasses are the main form of vegetation
According to my research, there is an internal shuttle bus, 108. but have no idea where to take. Is actually available at the main bus interchange. It is said to be every 15 min but just have to wait....

 Bus 108 is only NT15 per trip and the last bus is at 5.30pm
The mini-bus was packed with many people, and it was up the sloppy and curvy mountain, quite a experience.....

Our first stop :

Xiaoyukeng (小油坑) is the best-known recreation area in Yangmingshan National Park, and offers some of the most typical scenery. Located above the Datong Bridge along the Yangmingshan-Jinshan Highway, Xiaoyukeng is at an elevation of 800 meters (2,624 ft) and contains a host of volcanically-created fumaroles, sulfur crystals, hot springs, and landslides. Sulfur vents noisily spew forth gases, and hot springs discharge endless streams of boiling water. The bright yellow sulfur crystals that can be seen here are exceptionally lovely. Mt. Cising provides breathtaking views in all directions.

Our Second stop :

Qingtiangang (擎天崗), is a terrace formed by lava flowing to the north from Mt.Zhugao. This flat area is today an undulating grassland several kilometers across surrounded on all sides by mountain peaks higher than 800 meters (2,624 ft) in elevation.The area was once used for grazing cattle under the administration of the Taipei City Agricultural Association, and private individuals could send their cattle to graze here, and popular with picnicking students and familie

We set down at the hilltop, feeling the warmth of the sun and the cool breezy wind. The UV was so strong, that it turned ZP's transition glasses into sunglasses

Jinbaoli Trail (魚路古道), was built long ago as a shortcut over the mountains of Yangmingshan, enabling deliveries of fish from the sea. Starting at Jinshan, the route passes Payen, Qingtienkang, and Zhishanyen before eventually reaching Shilin, Dalongdong, and Dadaocheng, where the fish were sold in local markets. It is also known as the "Old Fish Trail." Still in good condition, the trail is surrounded by old cultural sites and splendid natural scenery. Walking the trail allows one to really appreciate the spirit of the long-ago Chinese settlers who opened up Taiwan.

While waiting for the internal shuttle bus, realise that there was a shuttle bus - "Xiao S" back to Jiantian Subway. But we actually wanted to go see the cherry blossom ( the reason why we are at Yang Ming Shan) 

Walked again to the park and they were selling the Taiwan Sausage, it was delicious and nice especially in that weather.

The park ranger said that the cherry blossom isnt that pretty now, but then again, Singapore doesnt even have them. And is reported the cherry,  blossom 2 weeks earlier....

It was something we could see in Singapore and anytime of the year.

We wanted to go dan Shui to catch the sunset. Unfortunately, after the 1 1/2 hours of standing in the bus back to Jiantian Subway, We could only see the egg yolk on the bus and it set earlier in the winter.

Finally, we reach Jiantian which is also where the Shilin Night market is, where Zul is craving for the authentic Chicken cutler. Before we reach the chicken cutler, came across the night market game when they use the BB gun... What is new ?

Amazing result ,,, 9/10

Finally, it was some chicken time !

 And a slow walk in the night market after the tiring hike....

Had the mee sua and awesome fried mushrooms.

We just needed a foot massage after the long hike and walk

Brought some supper back in case i am hungry later...

Warning : Do not buy any fruits from the fruits stall at Shilin Night Market, it's a rip off ! These 2 packs of fruits case NT 400, about  S$20.....

Since we decided to take the cab, we grab some taiwan goodie from the stall beside.

Day 2 shopping : Mainly at Sasa - my SK2 essence 330ml, NT 4900, about S$210, got some free gidt and discount als0

After a short rest, it was some time for night activites

Clubbing at Luxy

Different environment.

Had our drinks. First and second round

called off the night at 0345 hrs..What a long day we had !

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